3 Things to Consider When Purchasing Digital Risk Protection

Security threats in all industries have not only been on the rise in the last few decades but also pose an increased threat as the world becomes more interconnected and increasingly dependent on technology. One example is the energy sector. According to Symantec, 16 percent of attacks are on companies in this critical industry. The impact of a successful breach can be devastating not only to the company itself, but to the entire country. However, it is important to note that this is not the only sector of the economy at risk and that every business is a target.

As a result, you might wonder whether purchasing digital risk protection becoming a necessity. If your business has a reliance on digital channels, it is an absolute must. When selecting this type of service, look to protect your business through these preventative means.


Dark Web Monitoring


According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Office for Civil Rights, the nation’s healthcare system has become a target for cybercriminals. However, the government uses a collection of organizations and resources including the Department of Homeland Security and the United States Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT) to prevent and counter vulnerabilities and attacks. But what options are available for private sector companies that do not have the resources of the federal government? Sure, insurance can help a business recover from an attack. Nevertheless, this is a reactionary measure to something that occurs. Responsible businesses need to be able to prevent the scenario from occurring while balancing cost versus outcome. Therefore, organizations can opt for a dark web monitor service that can detect planned attacks, threats and incidents impacting your organization. These types of services analyze and review anonymized forums and criminal marketplaces.


Data Breach Monitoring


One of the popular ways that cybercriminals have targeted businesses has been through the use of ransomware-using opportunities that they obtain from data breaches and other attacks. These hacks can encrypt data and make it impossible to access. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) suggests that businesses often fall victim to this style of hack where a company’s inability to access important organizational data or proprietary information leads them to pay the ransom for the information that is being held hostage. However, even when a company agrees to pay, there is no guarantee that the information that was accessed wasn’t also stolen. Companies can take immediate actions by using a persistent data breach monitoring service that looks for evidence of stolen data, customer information and credentials being sold on the dark web, and sends immediate and actionable alerts.


Social Media Monitoring


With the growing reliance on social media marketing and an organization’s use of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote and conduct business, companies must also monitor this valuable asset. A breach in any of these accounts can create a scenario where a loss of reputation and revenue can occur. Therefore, it is indispensable for businesses to protect their organization from others that target these types of channels. Companies can achieve digital risk protection by looking for services that monitor brand threats. Such threats can include imposter accounts, but also consider employee misuse that can lead to regulatory fines. With tools that persistently monitor social media activity, a company can detect risk events that warrant quick actions. In a connected world where information is exchanged in an immediate manner using multiple channels, businesses can no longer react to problems. Instead, they must be proactive and anticipate issues. This requires planning and persistent digital risk monitoring.

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