In today’s world, we have witnessed a digital revolution. A lot of activities that were previously conducted manually are currently being digitized. These days, it is easier and more flexible to store organizational data and confidential information in the cloud than in file cabinets. By doing so, there is longer retention of information.

Long gone are the days when individuals needed to sign in on a paper-based material prior to settling in at their offices, schools, companies, hospitals and other places. With the evolution of technology, it becomes easier for employers, employees, students, business owners, and visitors to sign in using an electronic system.

Prior to the introduction of an electronic inventory management system, it was difficult to track the activities of visitors, and other individuals within a building. One could not tell how long an individual had been in a place, the person’s arrival and departure, and the duration that was spent. This was due to the fact that the data supplied by such a person could be inaccurate and inconsistent.

For example, an employee may arrive at an office at 9:30 am but document in the logbook the time of arrival to be 8:00 am. Likewise when the employee leaves the building. It becomes difficult for employers to monitor the working hours of such an individual. Also, what happens when the logbook goes missing?

This problem is not just limited to employees alone. It also applies to students, business owners, employers, and visitors. How can you tell if a particular pupil was in school today or not? Would it be easy to know if the client you booked an appointment with checked in on the agreed date? Is it easy to tell if one is in the building (especially for large organizations) or not, without the use of an electronic login record?

Hence, there is a need to have an electronic visitor management system in your organization. Doing so would not only save you time and money, it will keep you and everyone within the firm safe. First off, we need to understand what an electronic sign-in system means.

What Is An Electronic Sign-in System?

An electronic sign-in system is a computerized device that runs on a set of well-defined programs to provide sign-in functions for individuals and help monitor their activities within a facility. It is the electronic version of the manual logbook that is commonly used in places such as schools, offices, hospitals, and many more.

With an electronic sign-in system, you do not need to worry about data inaccuracies and manual storage systems that are present in manual sign-ins. The constant storage of used-up logbooks in file cabinets is no longer needed as all sign-in records are stored in the memory segment of your electronic device.

Moreover, it is easier to access any log-in detail at any point in time without having to go through various manual file storage structures. Unlike the manual sign-in system that may require you to pull out several logbooks from your file cabinets to locate a particular event, you can easily access any event from the electronic sign-in system.

How An Electronic Sign-in System Works

The electronic sign-in system works via a computer which is being used by individuals to register their presence in a building. It is more convenient and faster to use than a paper sign-in sheet. To begin with, the individual supplies the administrator or receptionist with his or her name. In some places, the facial image of the individual is captured, followed by biometrics, and then inputted into the organization’s database. A badge is then printed out for the individual to wear until such a person is through being there.

In What Ways Can An Electronic Sign-in System Be Used?

There are various settings in which you can install an electronic sign-in system. This is solely dependent on what you aim to achieve with your business. The following contains areas where such sign-in systems are deemed highly functional:

  • Pupil Management
  • Staff Management
  • Visitor Management

Pupil Management

With the implementation of an electronic sign-in system, it is easy to track the ins and outs of your pupils. It features a pupil module that is designed to keep a child safe by monitoring his or her whereabouts. In a situation where a group of pupils simultaneously sign in, it is possible to track them as a group.

Using this system also provides you with the ability to monitor when a child is being picked by the parents or guardian. Such individuals’ details will be documented in the system. This sign-in system also features a Management Information System (MIS) that helps you add records of new students and groups without the need for datasheet imports.

Hence, you are able to save your administration staff time and efforts. In the same vein, you can easily monitor students that may want to leave the school premises without any form of authorization. One other perk that comes with this system is the ability to track down latecomers. Questions involving their reason for lateness can be set into the system, with the results documented in the database.

If needed, a photo may be requested from the individual signing in. This stops students from signing in for one another. An electronic sign-in system is ideal for all school owners as they can automatically create electronic registers for their schools, regardless of size. Asides from the security it offers, it gives you peace and clarity of mind.

Staff Management

Staff tracking has never been easier with the aid of an electronic sign-in system. You can instantly know which staff is in or out of the office. This provides you with the convenience and flexibility needed to handle staff needs and requirements. How is this done?

On arrival, the staff enters his or her name and selects the picture from the screen. Also, there are keycards that can be used to sign-in faster. In some organizations, workers’ thumbprints can be captured. There are various functionalities that are available using an electronic sign-in system in this area. They include:

  • Mobile App: Employees can be able to sign in and out of the premises using the inventory management system application on their smartphones. This can only be done onsite.
  • Timecards: Administrative staff can easily create accurate time cards based on employees’ sign-in/out records.
  • ID Cards: Staff ID Cards can be printed and worn by your employees.
  • Multiple Entry Points: Employees can sign in at various entry points to provide flexibility.

Other features include staff updates, database system checker, swipe options, and many more.

Visitor Management

You can easily manage your visitors with the aid of an electronic sign-in system. That way, you can tell how many visitors are around. There are various electronic visitor management systems that offer great system enhancements.

  • Visitor Pre-Registration: Employers can pre-register visitors with an electronic form. Such registration is being done with the organization’s intranet. Visitor’s name, expected date, and time of arrival can be inputted into the system. Hence, the receptionist knows which visitor to expect and when. This prevents unauthorized individuals from gaining access to the premises without an appointment.
  • Visitor Registration by Batch: With this feature, employers can pre-register a group of visitors simultaneously into the system. This functionality is ideal for conferences and tourism events that are being held in the facility.
  • E-mail Integration: Email functionality can be integrated into the electronic sign-in system. Visitors can receive email notifications approving their appointments. Also, employees can be notified on the arrival of a visitor that has been pre-registered. The notifications contain a barcode which the visitor would bring along to the facility for confirmation.
  • Outlook Calendar Integration: Appointments booked by visitors can be automatically placed on the outlook calendar. That way, the employer is constantly reminded of such meetings.
  • Watch list Integration: This is an essential feature as terrorist and armed individuals can gain access to a facility if not properly checked. Having this feature integrated into your electronic inventory management system ensures that you crosscheck all visitors against a pre-programmed watchlist using their details. It makes it easy for you to identify employees that have been banned from the company or those that have been flagged by government agencies.
  • Background Check Integration: In most cases, employers have little or no knowledge about their visitors. As a result of this limitation, they can’t easily decipher the intent of such individuals. Some visitors may have criminal records that still make them threats to society. However, with the aid of background check integration, you can easily run a background check on your visitors to know who they truly are.
  • Visitor Memory Integration: You do not need to go through the process of re-registering your visitors all over again. The electronic sign-in system contains a database that houses the records of all the visitors you have entertained in your facility. With this feature, you can sign-in your visitors easily and conveniently.

Incorporating an electronic sign-in system into your organization would help improve business productivity and secure your team members. If you would like to know more about this amazing technology, please visit this link: electronic sign-in system.

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