How do you choose the right logo design for your company?

If you consider startups or small businesses, you probably understand how important graphic design is to your company’s development and progress. At the same time, be aware of how expensive it can be to hire graphic designers for specific projects.

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Photo by Balázs Kétyi

That’s why it’s essential to have some knowledge about the basics of graphic design. Besides, the more graphics you learn to design yourself, the better control you will have over the look and feel of your brand.

If your company or brand is similar to most, your initial graphic design project will be a great deal, along with your logo and related brand. Before you begin the basics of choosing a logo, including the font and color, make sure you know about the image you want your business to portray.

The design of the logo

The design or design of the custom logo is more about personality, and it revolves around the way you portray your image and identity to your customers.

Take the example of a computer company that will need a customized computer logo design. That is a kind of business that has to look that is technical, modern, and at the same time, trustworthy.

So, if you are confident in yourself and know what your business is, it’s time to think about choosing the right color and font.

Finding the font

Typography is a crucial aspect of any brand logo design.

It not only translates or describes the name of your business but also conveys the identity of your company. Many companies or firms link the font of their brands directly to their profits.

For example, the company “White Mountain” believes that after the redesign of the font, its revenue has increased by 20%.

There are usually three types of fonts to choose from; each choice has its strengths and weaknesses:

  1. The Serif font belongs to the category of classical fonts. Think about the New Roman, Academic, and Times fonts used in newspapers. Exploring how each font affects trust. Serif has proven to have a dramatic and significant (statistically significant) impact on readers who have found specific quotes to be trustworthy or who ignore them. So if you’re thinking about using a professional, traditional, stylish font, you can consider this font. However, still, it is essential to remember that this can create a feeling of obsolescence, especially on your site.
  2. Using Sans Serifs font is usually a popular font used on the Internet. Think about the technical startup, lifestyle blogs, and Helvetica. It has a modern and neat look. It is also convenient for reading, even in a small size. So if you’re thinking of a new, fresh and readable font, choose sans serif. The only aspect to worry about is that your letter will look similar to other businesses on the market. This font (without the serif) is so standard that it is usually not suitable to make your business look separate from the rest of the business. Google is the best example of a logo that uses the Sans Serif font.
  3. Fonts like Script are often more complicated and confusing. Generally, they have a huge personality. Most often, they can be elegant, creative, natural, and/or random. However, at the same time, they can look challenging when it comes to reading purposes. If there is any font to make your company logo attractive, it is a script font. This font generally fits the image of many companies. It’s fun to use.

On the web, there are endless fonts to choose from. Some of them are free, while some require a license to use a font for commercial purposes.

There are many different sources, but, personally, I use Google Fonts when possible since it’s free and easy to built-in website.

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Photo by Balázs Kétyi

Choosing the right colors

Colors themselves contain a considerable amount of individuality.

Eighty percent of customers believe that color plays an essential role in increasing the recognition of any brand.

The colors of several companies’ logos reflect different feelings.

  • Red, for example, symbolizes excitement, youth, and courage.
  • Orange is friendliness, confidence, and cheerfulness.
  • They say that yellow gives clarity, optimism, warmth.
  • While green usually means good health and growth, peace.
  • The color blue evokes strength, reliability, and trust.
  • Purple symbolizes fantasy, wisdom, and creativity.
  • While black and white collars symbolize tranquillity, neutrality, and balance of personality.

The above information can also vary, depending on what color shade you are going to use, e.g., if you look closely at the blue color, different shades give different meanings.

If you intend to use more than one color in your brand or logo, research shows that the general public prefers color combinations that have similar shades, such as purple and blue.

Although, if you have the intention to look for color accents, the same studies have shown that color with a predominant contrast compared to your palette is likely to be more productive.

To sum it up

Unfortunately, there is no fits-all solution when it comes to choosing the right logo for your business.

However, the Internet gives enough ways to get you going ranging from freelance marketplaces and high-end brand agencies to free logo makers.

For starter, use a website like Designmantic or Dribbble to browse the available templates to get some ideas.

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