How To Use Email Popups Brand Awareness Will Increase

Email popups are a common way to impact your audience, but with the rise of mobile technology, there come certain considerations and best practices for reaching more people. Moreover, they are a great way to increase your brand’s awareness.

They are an effective tool for reaching out to your target audience and increasing the engagement rate with your website. But how do you actually use them? This article will explore how to use email popups and best practices to increase brand awareness.

What Is An Email Popup?

In order to fully understand how to utilize email popups to increase brand awareness, it’s important to know what they really are. An email popup is a special window that appears when you open an email. It resembles the usual image or text list at the top of your screen, but as you scroll down, it follows up behind you, much like a real popup.

When you click on the email, the popup stays on top of your inbox until it is dismissed or closed by clicking on a different link or area of your screen. This transforms the usual experience of simply opening an email into something more engaging and memorable for your users.

Email popups are an effective way to create brand awareness and increase your website’s traffic. While they can be frustrating in some cases, especially when people have a specific expectation of what the message or ad should look like, they are still effective in generating engagement and conversion rates.

Email Popup Best Practices To Increase Brand Awareness

Though there are many different ways to pop up on someone’s screen, there are several main practices that will ensure you have the most effective campaign possible while still staying true to your brand. Here are the best practices for using email popups to increase brand awareness:

Create A Clear Call To Action

There is never a convenient time for a popup window to appear on your screen suddenly, so when designing an email popup, be sure to create a clear action that users can take after they respond positively to your ad. Your call-to-action (or CTA) should be visible and not buried in a mass of text or graphics.

Personalize Your Popups

Personalizing your email popups is a great way to get people’s attention and increase the value of your added content. Include the subscriber’s name in the popup and make it seem like a real, personal message. This will also help make people more likely to act on your CTA, especially if you have personalized incentives for when they do.

Offer An Irresistible Incentive

It’s no secret that people respond better to incentives than demands. So be sure to include an irresistible incentive for them in your email popups, whether a discount, coupon, or special content that they can’t help but click on. Offer a bonus to people who take direct action on your email popup. A significant discount can be effective, but only if it’s not too pushy or obnoxious. Keep the promotion short and simple, and you’ll better catch someone’s attention.

Use An Eye-Catching Design

The design of your popup is just as important as the design of your website. Your popup should be eye-catching and attractive while still being simple enough to get the point across and not distract users from the rest of their email inbox. It should clearly define where to click and how to take action.

Create Targeted Campaigns For Desktop And Mobile

Creating targeted campaigns for desktop and mobile is crucial in today’s world, where many people are getting most of their news and information from their smartphones or tablets. The last thing you want is for these people to accidentally ignore your content or be frustrated with an unskippable ad that takes up valuable screen space on a smaller device.

Use Exit-Intent To Capture Visitors Before They Leave

When you set up a popup campaign, it should also be in your best interests to capture visitors before they leave. Exit-intent is a feature that allows your popup to track people’s activity throughout the website with different options called “Exits” available when the user begins to complete an official action elsewhere on your site.

This feature can then be used to encourage them to stay on your website by providing a call-to-action that leads them back toward the exit of their choosing – and also some helpful information about what they have previously decided and what it might mean for their decision moving forward.

Show A Popup, Or Inline Campaign At The End Of Your Post

In order to create brand awareness and get people back to your website, it’s a good idea to show a popup or in-line campaign at the end of your post. Popups are more effective because they stay on the screen as people scroll down, though both are great opportunities for you to get people interested in something else you have to offer.

Keep Your Request Noticeable With A Floating Bar

By using a floating bar, you can make it very easy for people to notice and respond to it. This means that the form will stay visible on top of all other windows, so users will see it if they are scrolling down through their email or browser. Having a floating bar is less intrusive but offers a clear reminder that something is there for them.

The Bottom Line:

Using email popups to increase brand awareness is a great way to engage with your customers, especially those already interested in what you have to offer. It’s important to remember that popups can be both annoying and effective. They’re more likely to make users angry if they’re done incorrectly, but when done right can be quite the tool for driving traffic and increasing sales.

When working with an email popup campaign for the first time, it’s important to test different approaches and styles of content quickly before moving forward too fast.