KnCMiner Sells $2 Million in Titan Script Mining Machines in 4 Hours

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KnCMiner who is well known for making Bitcoin mining rigs, have completed work on a new script mining machine known as Titan. This machine went up for pre-order recently and within 4 hours the company had sold $2 million worth or 200 units.


Each one of the units retail for $9,995 each. While the 200 is a good start, the company wants to product 2500 units on their first run. The Titan Mining Machine is aimed at mining alternative coins like Litecoin and Dogecoin. The unit is rated at 100 MH/s. A typical Radeon R9 290X is rated at 850 KH/s, so you would need around 117 R9 290X’s to achieve the same hashing power.

With this machine coming to market people who have spent a tremedous amount of money on multiple mining rigs with expensive GPUs may turn to this as an alternative. Given the Titan’s hash rate and exchange rates of current crypto-currency it would take just over a month for someone to get their 10K investment back from purchasing the Titan.

The Titan is expected to ship sometime in the second or third quarter of this year.