New Opportunities in IoT Development

IoT is changing the world, and no sooner will it take over the entire global village. In fact, according to research, through 2022, investments in IoT technology are projected to accelerate at a rate of 13.6 percent each year.

Undoubtedly, IoT devices are highly in-demand, with new opportunities introduced in IoT development now and then. This guide explores IoT, including what defines it, growing market opportunities,  development of the internet of things, and industries benefiting most from IoT.

Let’s get started!

What Is IoT?

IoT stands for Internet of Things, is an umbrella term comprising all the interrelated computing devices (digital, mechanical, objects – referred to as “things”) in the vast global village. These “things” feature the following common attributes:

  • they can send data over an extensive network
  • these devices are independent of a human-to-human or a human-to-computer interaction
  • every IoT has its own UID (short for Unique Identifiers – a numeric or alphanumeric string assigned to objects/things serving a particular purpose)

IoT is easier to understand in the dynamics of various physical devices – all connected to an internet connection with the ability to collect, transmit, and share data. Any device can become an IoT in the modern world through super-cheap computer chips and wireless networks.

IoT Examples

Everything mentioned below is a part of IoT displaying digital intelligence added to them through a host of sensors.

  • Smart in-house security systems: security cameras, smart doorbells, smart smoke alarms, etc.
  • Wearable health devices: smartwatches, fitness trackers, wearable ECG monitors, etc.
  • Biometric cybersecurity scanners: iris recognition, voice recognition, heart-rate sensors, etc.
  • Smart factory hardware: driverless transport vehicles, IoT refrigerators, smart room thermostats, etc.
  • Wireless inventory management systems: smart location sensors, traffic and weather sensors, etc.
  • Connected appliances: smart bicycles, complex heating, lighting systems, medical sensors, etc.
  • Autonomous farm equipment: smart tractors, speed drills, harvesters, etc.

Growing Market Opportunities in IoT

The numbers are growing every year, and so are the opportunities in IoT development. According to research, the 2020s stats of IoT popularity in the US was recorded to be worth $45.7 billion, while China is expected to cross a market value of Us$169.1 billion by 2027. The numbers are growing every year, and so are the opportunities in IoT development. Let’s look at some of the top market spheres where IoT technology is estimated to grow significantly.

Smart Devices

The traditionally dumb devices are no longer dumb with the rise in smart devices in recent decades. Healthy market growth in this category features rapid advancement in smartphones, smartwatches, technical equipment, medical sensors, smart appliances, etc. Sensors also make a home here, especially those collecting and sharing environmental information such as weather, air pressure, temperature, and pollution.

Cellular Connectivity

Technology connecting various devices to the internet using the same cellular networks deployed by smartphones is called Cellular IoT. This way, devices are connected to existing mobile networks making cellular connectivity one of the leading IoT wireless technologies. The marker is still growing in shares featuring local wireless networks and/or low-power wide-area networks.

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing is another branch with emerging opportunities in IoT; it stores data of devices and systems over the internet. The term “cloud” refers to Internet-accessible servers globally, as well as the software and databases running on those servers. It benefits users and businesses as they don’t have to operate physical servers or run software programs using cloud computing. At the same time, cloud computing can transfer huge-sized IoT data packages.

An easy example of cloud computing IoT can be Amazon Alexa, giving recent, up-to-date information about the weather forecasts, latest news, sports updates, language translations, and updates about everything you can ask. It is done by Alexa sending requests to the required platforms like Google maps to retrieve data about traffic updates and so on.

Business Applications

This category is the most famous, with IoT opportunities growing in apps, businesses, and profit models. Users’ privacy is of great importance here, and the business layer is in charge of the entire IoT system.

Industries Most Benefiting From IoT

In business development, the internet of things has a significant impact, and the following industries are most likely to benefit from sensor devices in the coming decades.


IoT allows healthcare providers and medical staff to be more vigilant and reactive in their interactions with patients. Medical supplies and other equipment such as wheelchairs, oxygen pumps, and nebulizers with sensors can track real-time data, thus allowing the medical workforce to reach patient-assistance assets quickly.


IoT plays a crucial role in minimizing accidents and failures in factories and construction fields by using quick production-line monitoring. Also, equipment such as machinery and gadgets need timely check-ups, resulting in an immense loss if neglected. With the help of IoT, manufacturers or construction workers can keep an eye on timely errors and faults indicated by sensor alerts. This way, assessing performance management is improved while cutting down on the overall expenditure and increasing the working rate.

Transportation & Logistics

This includes expected weather forecast, driver or vehicle availability, and traffic updates for schedules of cars, automobiles, trucks, trains, and even ships. IoT also makes it possible to track temperature, air pressure, and other factors necessary for food and pharmaceutical industries to keep up with the freshness and quality of products.

Public Utility

Public domain areas are often sensitive, and IoT can help take care of water, sewer, power, and other services. Even a little interruption can result in significant loss, so advanced sensors can check these systems and stay alert beforehand.

The Bottom Line

From gears as small as a light bulb to as big as a vehicle – all can now be controlled with just a tap thanks to IoT. The sensors are independent of any interactions (human-to-human or a human-to-computer) and can collect, share, and transmit data.

The widely influenced areas are smart devices, cellular connectivity, cloud computing, and other business applications when it comes to the overall development of the internet of things.

Furthermore, industries like healthcare, the public domain, manufacturing, transportation, and logistics are in the spotlight benefitting from IoT technology.

OWlab provides a variety of software development services, including IoT app development. We help businesses implement new ideas, automate business operations, and win competition with custom software solutions.