Tech Trends That Ended 2021

2021 was an eventful year to say the least. The fact that certain tech industries managed to plod on and evolve from one climb to another, demonstrates the power of tech, as well as its resilience. If you have not kept up with the tech trends of 2021, we thought it would be a great idea to overlook some of the trends and reminisce on everything that has come to pass.

eSport Gambling Sites

This year alone has seen a huge rise in the number of eSport gambling sites. We are seeing many popular games like CSGO evolve and innovate on the tech market, to cater towards blockchain technology. CSGOLuck is an example of eSports gaming that has moved towards the gambling sector, and allows gamers to utilise their skins as currency, for the purpose of gambling for all or nothing. Definitely worth checking out if you have not already.

Apple M1 Performance

Apple M1 really was introduced within 2020, however it was 2021 that things really set off with this technology. The succession of the M1X is what captured headlines completely. The M1 chips provided huge performance boosts that are impeccable, for its size. Found in desktops, laptops and the iPad Pro, the chip really put Apple back on the map for performance quality, in the world of PCs.

The M1X is reportedly twice as fast as any GPU task, and three times faster when learning machine operations. While there are still many years between now and the fading out of Intel processors for Apple, the performances of the silicon benefits really have provided nothing but benefits for MacBook users. The best release of tech for Apple yet.

Commercial Space Flights

The headlines which took over 2021, involved Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. Bidding against one another, we saw these two bids for who would be the first to reach the stars and take to the skies for commercial purposes. Fast forward many months, and it was Bezos who had managed to succeed and take over the position of making a commercial flight possible. His Blue Origin rocket has become a ferry of success for wealthy space travel, and it is set to become the most influential travel story of the coming future. The rocket will touch the very edge of space, circulate the earth, and make a return back to earth. Using completely reusable and sustainable materials, Bezos made history and surpassed many leaders of innovation in the industry.

NFTs are the future of investments

NFTs have become a practicality and necessity to anyone who invests within cryptocurrency. While some digital assets in circulation are certainly overpriced, considering they have no physical authority, it has not stopped bidding wars where investing have taken digital paintings like Beeple’s Iconic Queen, to exceptionally extravagant prices. The ethical question that many share, is how can such an investment be legible, if the asset you are purchasing does not actually come with physical ownership rights? Nevertheless, because it’s new and exciting, many have integrated into the industry either as a buyer or creator and added to the flame of NFTs and their importance.

Electric vehicles purchase surge

While predictions told us that electrical vehicles will slowly become the normality for most of us, figures from predominant countries of the world are showing average purchases to have increased by 71%. It is believed by October 2022, that figure will increase further with more than 88% of electrical car sales to be reported. Of course, this figure could be an underestimation as EV market growth is still so immature and therefore can exceed expectations.

While EV technology still only accounts for 2.7% of global automotive markets, there is most definitely still a lot of more room to grow when potential is concerned. Nevertheless, it is a step into the right direction, and the future is now.