The Best Case Mods of 2018

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Case mods have been a staple in the PC industry for a very long time. They allow system builders, artists, gamers, and pretty much anyone to really make their PC build their own. Case modding has never been more popular and many companies actually commission modders to create one of a kind builds to show off their new hardware or case. Each week we feature a mod or build that has been completed in the community in our Case Mod Friday section. Going through all of the builds from the past year we have picked out a few that really caught our eye! Without further ado here are our picks for the best case mods of 2018! In no particular order of course!

Case Labs Zeus 2.0
Case Labs Zeus 2.0
This was one of the first builds we featured in 2018 and it was very impressive. Done by Case Labs inside of their own Magnum SMA8 A Revision chassis this build really caught our eye for multiple reasons. First they used almost square-like reservoirs, which really really never saw before. Also the dual graphics card setup is set vertically. Sadly Case Labs went out of business this year, but this build really shows you what you could do in a Case Labs chassis. Check out the full feature on Zeus 2.0.

Cap-Ten’s Anubis
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One of the cases we saw a lot of when it came to case mods in 2018 was the Cougar Conquer. Its unique design made it perfect for a great system build. While we saw a lot of builds in the case the one that really stands out to us is the Anubis build from Cap-Ten. He really made this case his own with adding the head of Anubis (Egyptian god of embalming) to the top of the case, which really looks great. The build inside is very clean and just screams quality. Be sure to check out our full feature on Anubis.

Tân Thành Danh’s Lian Li PC-O11 ROG Edition
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Another case that was used quite a bit this year was the Lian Li PC-011. The design of the case with the large side and front panel windows really allows you to show off everything in your system. The “Lian Li PC-O11 ROG Edition” build is an insane build with a Core i9, two ASUS Poseidon GTX 1080 Ti’s, and 128GB of DDR4! This was also one of the first builds we saw that used the hexagonal bitspower reservoirs. Three of those fit perfect in the front section of this case, and this isn’t the only build in this case that is setup this way. Be sure to check out our full feature on the Lian Li PC-O11 ROG Edition.

Peter Brands’ L3p Spectre
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Peter Brands is well known for his builds and this year he presented us with the “L3p Spectre” build, which was one of the first case mods to make use of NVIDIA’s RTX graphics cards. The chassis of the case was completely custom-made and is really unique. One of our favorite features is the rear panel, which is acrylic. It not only acts as a reservoir for the custom watercooling loop, but also has channels build in for cable routing. Be sure to check out our full feature on L3p Spectre.

Cap-Ten’s Goa´uld Al´Kesh
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It was completely unplanned to have Cap-Ten featured twice in our Best Case Mods of 2018, but when it came to scratch builds his was our favorite. The “Goa´uld Al´Kesh” build is themed after the Goa’uld Al’kesh bomber from the TV series Stargate SG1. What is so impressive about this build is that even though there is a full watercooled system there it really looks like the the Goa’uld Al’kesh bomber. The quaility on this build is just amazing and he even made “guns” out of Bitspower fittings on the bottom of the system! Be sure to check out of full feature on Goa´uld Al´Kesh.

So there you have it for our Best Case Mods of 2018! Be sure to check out our entire Case Mod Friday section where we feature a new case mod each Friday!