The Keys to a Successful Digital Transformation

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With the rise of mobile and technology, uses should expect a consistent experience across all devices when they touch an organisation. In terms of a shopping journey, they learn about a new product through different sources like a smartphone, research the purchase by checking reviews and then ask questions on social media after the sale. All these habits are aligned with a rise in expectations because now, their own time is the resource they value ​​the most. This is manifested by the boom in messaging, and the upcoming advent of voice control. It’s true that many businesses now rely on the internet to either trade or perform back office functions whether its filing accounts, procurement management or paying staff. For a successful business, there are the keys to successful digital transformation. Let’s check out some of the following ones:

Lead from the Front

Firstly, It is essential to understand the concept of digital transformation and to know that this demands executive leadership along with a vision. The disruption to an organization’s business and culture is profound, and the management team needs to be digitally savvy and able to use the right combination of carrots and sticks to move the organization in its digital journey.

However, with the executive vision and approval in place, combined, disparate digital transformation initiatives can be prioritized, consolidated, and properly coordinated for maximum impact. It is essential to keep in mind that this level of digital leadership, executives don’t need to be expert technologists. However, it’s also more important for digital executives to articulate a vision for how digitally transforming an organization can improve its operations, efficiency, productivity, revenue and customer experience. This level of executive engagement for the development of a compelling strategy allows you to get more success in a short time.

Put strategy before technology

If you are looking for it’s crucial to keep in mind that strong executive leadership must be coupled with a time-boxed digital transformation strategy. Organizations can begin by clearly documenting the end state by knowing the digital transformation looks. However, by beginning with the end in mind, all the organizations can pursue the overarching technological changes that are needed to support their digital transformation. For more insight into a particular industry and the strategies available, there are free guides available including How to Reach Digital Transformation Maturity in Financial Services which is available from the Barton Partnership.

Pursue New Technology

It is essential to keep in mind that technology should be a later concern in digital transformation. With a new strategy, the business and cultural model in progress is evaluated for current technology.

This process of evaluation includes a comparison of current capabilities to the problems that need to be solved in the digital transformation. The outcomes that are defined by the strategy of new customer experiences should help prioritize the technology roadmap for the digital transformation. Properly-defined analytics allows the employees for normal workflows that enable necessary behaviors for digital transformation like:

  • Data-driven decision-making
  • Increased ROI of transformation activities
  • Greater customer satisfaction
  • More competitive products and services
  • Increased revenue
  • Increased productivity

However, digital transformation always starts at the top and it should be seen as an iterative cycle. This iterative cycle expects early failure, inspection, and adaptation. Cultural transformation should also align the organizational norms with the risk-taking necessities to define the compelling of new customer experiences. These experiences emerge from new business models and operational processes.

Customer-centric focus

It is essential to know that digital transformation always revolves around the customers needs and it is becoming more agile, automated and cost-effective. It also allows the creation of highly engaged customers who are more loyal and spend more.

Nowadays, first and foremost companies always need to place their customers at the center of their digital transformation strategy. It defines the transformational change that is needed to improve the customer experience and differentiate from other competitors.

The path of digital transformation can be challenging and sometimes costly. It allows businesses to transform themselves successfully for faster innovation and open up new ways to collaborate. The main goal is not new technologies, but tools like multichannel integration through Customer Relationship Management systems that help create compelling customer experiences.