Top Podcasts You Should Listen and Subscribe

Human beings are quite social in nature. And by being social, it means that communication has always been an integral part of human nature. Over the years, with the developments in technology, a lot many media outlets have seemed to be accessible and at our disposal where people can convey their message to the masses. Podcasts are one such outlet where millions of people can listen to someone or some group while sitting at the comforts of their own home from anywhere around the world! A lot many podcasts have been set up that deal with any genre of the topic. And topics are always in multitudes to choose from! Topics can range from art, travel documentaries, culinary, movies etc. It can even be about casino reviews where one might come to know about the best slots games to play on smart phone.

Few of the must listen and subscribe podcasts:

1)   The knowledge Project Podcast with Shane Parrish: This podcast is certainly for the people who mean to make a difference in their life and achieve the success that they have always aspired for. It includes interviews with CXOs and top-rated experts who share their deep hidden secrets about their mantra of leading a happy and successful life.

2)    The Adam Buxton Podcast: Hilarious, funny and interesting – this podcast is not just mere chats and interviews with any wayside farer. It includes funny banters with actors, comedians, musicians etc. those that share their much eventful life and the stories everyone wants to listen about. Certainly, a must subscribe to a podcast that one might go for!

3)     TED Talks Daily: TED Talks has now become a global phenomenon where people not only get their source of motivation and ideation but also a source of interesting facts as well. People come to know about some extraordinary lives that have tried to make a difference in this world. This podcast is certainly something to look forward to if one desires to look at the world at a slightly different view and an angle

4)   The Pitch: This show is quite similar in context to the famous show ‘Shark Tank’. This is just the podcast rip off of the show where angel investors listen to the pitches made by some budding entrepreneurs and a possible investment opportunity as well! It gets exciting to listen to how entrepreneurs sell their products effectively and grab the attention of such investors, making them intrigued towards making an investment

5)   Planet Money: This podcast is for the people who do not like to waste time and are here to make quick bucks. The podcast gives its listeners about the insights of the economy as well as tips on how to arrange and expedite their financial plans in order to get greater returns.

Podcasts are getting revolutionized in the way they are appealing to the masses. At one time when people thought that radio was going out of fashion and rarely do people ever listen to a radio podcast, such podcasts over the internet are actually the source of information for many people who are always on the go!

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