What Influence Has Mobile Gaming Had on the Wider Gaming Industry?

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The mobile games industry blew up in the 2010s and became one of the most lucrative sectors of all time. It went from nonexistence in the mid-2000s to a $172 billion industry in 2023 and had a massive impact on gaming as a whole.

Figures show that more than 60 per cent of smartphone users install a game within the first week of buying a new device, and it’s clear that mobile gaming has turned more people than ever into casual gamers. Console developers and operators of online gaming sites have had to adapt their offerings to suit this new type of player.

Mobile Games Have Affected New Gaming Sites

When mobile gaming first came about, a new style of the pick-up-and-play game emerged. Developers focused on creating simple titles that could be enjoyed in short bursts and didn’t require much thought or skill. Some typical titles that adhered to these parameters included offerings like Doodle Jump from Lima Sky, Fruit Ninja from Halfbrick Studios, and Candy Crush from King.

When any new gaming sites launch in western countries where mobile gaming figures are high, they always try to appeal to this crowd that has learned to love mobile games. Apple Arcade is a prime example, and the American tech giant realised that if it wanted its new game feature to be successful, it needed to have simplistic games that appealed to a vast range of people. It has found success from this and already has more than 100 million subscribers.

Casino sites in the USA are discovering that creating games to appeal to this mobile audience is a recipe for success as well. The online casino industry is starting to get going in the country now, with states like New Jersey leading the way. When a new site has its New Jersey casino launch, it always ensures that it has a wide range of titles to appeal to mobile gaming audiences. These usually include a lot of simple slot games like Crack the Code, Double Stacks, and Lightning Gorilla.

Console Titles Have Elements of Mobile Style Gaming

Console games have traditionally been about immersing players in stories and new worlds, and they typically require time investment and skill. Even so, developers of these titles have come to realise that they can win some mobile players over by including elements that would appeal to them. For example, ever since the rise of the mobile gaming industry, there has been an increase in the number of mini-games included in large open-world titles.

One great example of this in recent times is The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. The title from CD Projekt Red included a fantasy card game called Gwent. This proved to be so popular that the Polish developer later decided to turn it into a standalone mobile game. Red Dead Redemption 2 was another title that included loads of side games. Players were able to take part in blackjack, poker, dominoes, and five-finger fillet.

As smartphones have become more advanced, they have grown capable of offering more detailed and complex games. However, this has not affected the popularity of the original simple mobile games that kickstarted the industry. It’s amazing how influential these titles have been.