Why Data Science: Understanding the Importance of Data Science

More AI and other tech rely on data science. But why data science? Here’s why it’s so important and how your enterprise could benefit from it.


With an ocean of information at our fingertips, it’s easy to forget the hard work of those who brought it to us.

Data scientists are the ones who sift through the data or create the software that analyzes large amounts of information for us. They also do the hard work of understanding and using that data to make predictions about specific fields, analyze business operations and make suggestions, and get a grasp on the state of everything from artificial intelligence to economics.

If you’re wondering why data science is important, we’re here to let you know.

Why Data Science is Important

Every report or news article you’ve ever read has probably had a piece of data or two. Most insights are taken from large pools of information from studies and reports that gather and distribute information.

All of that information is of no use to anyone if it sits alone, without any context. Some data has to be picked through by a human being, while some volumes are so great that the work could only be done by a computer. In either case, a data scientist is working in the wings to find the meaning behind.

Why do we need all of this data? Is it just so some companies can get ahead?

The Value of Big Data

Data comes in a lot of forms, most relevantly from our phones and activity on the internet.

In fact, the term “big data” generally refers to the accumulation of information from user behavior. That’s all of us and how we use our thumbs.

Our thumbs tell a big story, though. Our web-activity gives insight into a number of personal, behavioral, and economic factors that give companies insight and ideas as to how they can function better.

That seems greedy, but it works to make all of our lives easier. Take Google, for example. Your cookies and browsing activity inform what Google presents to you in the form of advertisements and search suggestions. While many people don’t like the idea of their activity being followed, it isn’t always the dystopian threat it appears to be.

On a larger scale, though, this data has real effects on the state of our country and its institutions.

Big Data and Health Care

Worldwide, the investment in big data is predicted to reach just under $35 billion.

The industry is one that creates a lot of important information so it makes sense that it would spend more on that information. The effects of health care data can legitimately save lives. Here are some of the ways that data science is important to medical patients:

Medications errors are significantly reduced. More research means more understanding of which types of people and symptoms can be treated by specific medications. Further, we have a better understanding of which medications can be mixed and which cannot.

Data is also used to streamline hospital operations, optimizing the staffing and supply end of things. With more access to worldwide information, doctors can have a pretty clear understanding of how much traffic to expect at any given point.

Delays in treatment can lead to worsening of symptoms and even death in some cases. That may seem extreme, but there are bound to be outliers that would have otherwise been saved had data been used to optimize staffing in a hospital.

What Do Data Scientists Do?

We’ve given you the bare bones of what a data scientist does, but there’s a lot more to it.

Getting to be a professional in the field requires that you go through extensive training in math and computer science. A great grasp of statistics is also essential, but that often falls within the confines of math.

Beyond those disciplines, the data scientist has to dig into the specifics of their field. Things like data visualization, artificial intelligence, information management, software development, and more may be required depending on the field.

Having these skills can contribute to a number of benefits to businesses. Beyond the large-scale, sweeping insights about industries and their futures, data scientists provide benefits that are closer to home.

Follow the link to learn more about how you can use data science in your career.

How Data Scientists Help Businesses

Data scientists are exceptionally good at noticing odd points of data. This skill allows them to pinpoint potential security or financial threats when they arise.

Further, data scientists can use the information to set up secure networks that alert a company when unusual data arises. This could be anything from financial information that doesn’t add up to accounts being tampered with or hacked.

On the customer end, data scientists can look at information to predict what consumers will want. This is of huge value to any business that produces products that change seasonally. Really, any business that sells a product would benefit from data scientist.

Even if your product remains constant over time, consumer information can be used to streamline your marketing efforts to increase sales. This is something that a data scientist can do.

In many cases, the scientist takes the relevant information and gathers insights from it. They then consult with marketing professionals to create a brand image that appeals to changes in consumer preferences.

If consumer preferences are their field, data scientists keep close tabs on minute changes in taste. Having such a close eye to the data allows these professionals to make suggestions and predictions on ways that a company can get ahead of the competition.

If trends in data are steady, it gets easier to predict where they will end up. Those insights can lead to life-changing growth, all with thanks to the data scientist.

Already into Computer Science?

Hopefully, this article gave you a little insight into why data science is important. It’s likely that if you’re interested in the field, you already have a vested interest in computers and computer science.

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