Everything you need to know about setting up a style-guide

Facebook developed the open-source JavaScript library known as ReactJS in 2013, and it is utilized in developing interactions with the components of websites. Data rendering can take place both on the server and in direct interaction with the user when using ReactJS, which is one of the best advantages of this framework.

Since this disease has already infected so many people and has spread so widely, there is a possibility that it might infect anyone at any time.

Cause of error

During the time that you were working on your project, the plugin “react” was conflicted between“eslint-config-react-app” and “package.json.”  Another user faced the same issue when attempting to install React using the Visual Studio 2022 Standalone React project. Even though the folder’s name was displayed in tiny caps, the name of his project was expressed in all capital letters. The previously mentioned problem can almost entirely be traced back to the inconsistent capitalization of directory names, which is a direct consequence of this issue.

Because Windows filesystems frequently do not differentiate between uppercase and lowercase letters, accessing files with multiple capitalizations is still feasible. This is because Microsoft developed Windows. An error is thrown as a result of this because the module loader, on the other hand, does not regard paths with differing capitalization as being equal. Furthermore, several OS path manipulation methods return the canonical pathway.

The “package.json” file was utilized to successfully resolve a conflict between the “react” plugin and the “eslint-config-react-app” plugin.

Does your project have any dependencies that conflict with one another? If this is the case, the error message can be presented to you at this time. There was a dispute between the plugin “react” and the “package.json” file in the “eslint-config-react-app.”

Overcoming this challenge can be accomplished in a few different ways:

  1. Check the word “directory” correctly spelled by checking it out.

The name of the directory ought not to contain any instances of capitalization. This error will be issued if the guide is referred to as “Reactapp/REACTAPP/React-app” or “react app/react-app,” for example. It will also be generated if the directory is referred to as “reactapp.” There is a possibility that the case will create some challenging problems.

  1. You also have the option to revert to version 6 if you desire.

If you’re working with yarn, you can reduce the version of the eslint-config-react-app package to 6.8.0 by executing the following command:

  1. Perform the following on line 6: yarn adds —dev eslint configuration react app:

This particular procedure enables the packaging to be kept.

Restart the script once you have successfully saved the package to get around this issue.

JSON file for your project using the ctrl+s keyboard shortcut.

  1. The elimination and reinstallation of the eslint-config-react-app package constitute.

If none of the approaches outlined above are working, you can try deleting the eslint-config-react-app package and then reinstalling it.

Eliminating the dependency on eslint-config-react-app by utilizing yarn

Yarn add -dev to the eslint configuration for the react app

Remove the conflict from the dependencies of your project.

The issue is likely due to a disagreement on one of your project’s dependencies. To determine whether or not this resolves the problem, you can try deleting the dependency from your package that is creating the conflict. JSON file and relaunching the application after making the required modifications.

If the error message ” plugin “react” was conflicted between” package.json » eslint config react-app” continues to appear, you should try one of the possible solution that are given.


Developers can utilize a JavaScript library known as ReactJS while working on creating user interfaces (or UIs). The user interface (UI) and the user interaction are the primary areas of focus in front-end application programming. These terms refer to the user interface (UI) and the user interaction, respectively (UI).