Qualcomm’s Arm-based Snapdragon X Elite is ready to take on the thin and light notebook market and is set to directly compete with U and P segment processors from both Intel and AMD as well as Apple’s M2 and M2 Max SoCs. We discussed this new chip on the podcast this past week and I’m personally pretty excited to see a new player come into the laptop market. Geekerwan was able to put the Adreno iGPU through a few benchmarks to see what it could do compared to 15W to 28W SoCs as well as a discrete NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Laptop GPU.
The first benchmark is 3DMark’s Wildlife. In this test the X Elite scored 39.2 FPS (average) while the Apple M2 Max had 60 FPS and the Apple M2 scored 40 FPS. Intel’s Core i7-13700H has a Xe-LP based iGPU that has 96 EU and scored just 22.5 FPS in the test. AMD’s Ryzen 7 7840HS has 12 compute units and 768 stream processors and scored only 28 FPS.
The second benchmark was a real game benchmark for Control, Remedy’s 2019 physics-defying sci-fi shooter. The benchmark was run at 1080p with the lowest graphics settings. In this benchmark the Snapdragon X Elite gets 53 FPS compared to the 56 FPS of the Radeon 780M, and 43 FPS of the Apple M2. It does however get smacked by the Apple M2 which scores 145 FPS in this test!