From Tech Lover To Tech Blogger: Starting Your First Blog

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You did it – you finally decided to start a tech blog! It takes a lot of guts to put your candid thoughts and autonomous research on the Internet, so your bravery shouldn’t be taken lightly. Plus, it’s amazing that you’ve found a love for tech so deep you want to become an expert – not many people find a hobby that they’re passionate about.

While starting a blog can be fun and fulfilling, it does take a little more than just loving technology to pull off. Instead, you’ll need to enlist some planning and elbow grease to make your idea come to fruition. The good news? All those big decisions can be boiled down to three easy steps.

  1. Brainstorm A Blog Name

A catchy name for your blog is paramount, so before you put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard…) take some time to run through some puns and alliterations until you find the phrase that sticks.

If after a few days of research and attempts, you don’t think you’re any closer to finding the perfect blog name, don’t fret! Just call it by your name (not to be confused by the acclaimed book and movie…) and tack on a clean, descriptive tagline – you can always change the name and do a little rebrand down the road after your creativity strikes.

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  1. Choose A Website Hosting Platform

One of the biggest decisions you’ll make is what platform will host your technology blog. While there are other resources available, the big dogs consist of WordPress, Squarespace and Wix, and it’s worth sticking to when you’re first starting out.

Within those hosting sites, you’ll find a plethora of custom or free-but-branded URLs, themes and designs, and features – many of which have the potential to upgrade your blog’s aesthetic to best website design standards. Be sure to take stock of all of those options and think about where you want your blog’s directive to go – is your blog just a hobby or do you have loftier goals? If it’s the latter, investing a bit of money into a better design, integrated features and a custom URL are your best bet.

  1. Find Your Voice

The last step in starting a tech blog is both the easiest and hardest part – start writing!

However, technology is a pretty big industry, so spend some time refining your angle first. Will you be explaining new tech in layman’s terms? Will you have a humorous and lighthearted approach to big brands’ even bigger announcements? A consistent tone is necessary if you want to secure returning readers, so determine that upfront.

Plus, you can’t possibly cover everything that technology has to offer – there’s just too much out there. However, as I mentioned above, consistency is key, so pick just a few areas that you’ll focus on and create an attainable publication schedule. Refine the areas that you have the most interest and knowledge in, and stick to those. This will ensure you’re creating unique content with real value!

What’s better? This structure isn’t just helpful for your readers – it sets brand guidelines for you (which keeps you on the right path) AND keeps you accountable for updating the blog on a regular basis.  


Whether you’re doing it for profit or fun, starting your first blog is an exciting and fulfilling project. With a bit of organization and planning, you’ll create a buzzy blog with a beautiful design and unique content that all of your future readers will adore.

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