How to change the domain and not to lose all traffic

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All businesses might face the necessity of changing their domain name at some point. But a domain is like the face of a company online and customers should know how to do a domain name search to find your business. This is why it is so important to change your domain carefully and have a strategy. On this site, you will find convenient domain-changing solutions and web hosting plans for all types of business.

Choosing and Changing Domain Name Correctly

For those who do not know what is domain, this is the name of your website, which acts as an address for a building in real life. Domain names are extremely important for businesses online, as they help with raising brand awareness and allow customers to distinguish your site among millions of others. If you wonder how to find domain name that will suit your company, here are some tips:

  • Choose an international domain extension like .com, .net, .org, etc. These will help your site to be more visible globally;
  • Use keywords related to your business for domain name registration. Make your domain unique and true to your brand;
  • Do not choose long domains. Your domain name should be readable and easy to remember.

Sometimes, it is necessary to change an already existing domain. Perhaps, you want to come up with a more suitable name for your brand. But changing the name of your site on the spot will be similar to moving houses and not telling everyone about the new address, because clients will not be able to do a domain name search. Here are some tips on how to change the domain name without losing all your traffic:

  • Notify the clients – use your social media accounts or emails to notify your client base about changing the domain. Do it beforehand so they can get accustomed to the change and memorize the new address when it changes;
  • Use redirecting tools – there are certain online tools that can help you with redirecting searches from the old address to the new one. This way clients will use the old domain to search for your site and they will be redirected to a new page;
  • Manage your backlinks – most companies use backlinks to their webpages to grow client base and brand awareness. Find out which backlinks perform best and reach out to the website owners. Ask them to update these links so they can lead back to your new site;
  • Examine your website analytics – it is important to monitor the performance of your site to know whether the transition is going smoothly.
  • If you do everything correctly, your clients will get used to your new domain name and search for your website easily. If done correctly, you will not lose a lot of traffic and even grow your customer base.