How to Create an Appealing iOS App Icon

Having an icon for any kind of app and system is a requirement. You need to have one in order to make your brand distinct from others.

However, you can’t create just anything. It has to follow Apple’s requirements. Moreover, you need to ensure that it’s appealing. If it’s poorly made, users won’t take the time to go through the process of downloading and installing your application.

To help you with this, we’re going to walk you through all the things that you need to know in the following sections. By the end of the article, you can expect to understand how to create an iOS App Icon. We will also recommend a platform that can help you with the task.

Why Should You Have an Appealing iOS App Icon?

Having an icon is not just a mere requirement. It will serve as your app’s face, and hence, it will have an impact on a lot of its analytics.

Here are some of the reasons why you should keep an appealing iOS icon:

Affects Users’ First Impression

Your app’s icon is the first thing that users see when they browse through the App Store. If you have a high-quality icon, then you can easily catch their attention. This is where they will get their first impression of the app.

Moreover, this is where the users will depend on to know whether the app is worth downloading or not.

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Key to Higher Competitive Advantage

Your app’s icon is just one of the many things that give you a higher competitive advantage. Still, it’s as crucial as other factors.

A well-made icon will serve as the key to gathering more downloads, user base, and of course, sales. Compared to similar apps with tacky icons, you will surely stand out.

Builds Brand Visibility

The icon that you will use for your app is the same thing that you will use for all promotional campaigns for that service. It will also serve as a way to distinguish your brand from others. Thus, having an appealing app icon will directly affect your brand’s visibility.

Without a good icon, you will miss out on the above benefits. In the worst-case scenario, the pros above can even turn into cons if you don’t invest time and effort in your icon.

Terms for iOS App Icons

Although all the visual elements will depend on you, the icon’s size should adhere to Apple’s very specific terms.

First, note that you will be asked to submit two icon sizes, a normal-sized one, and a small version of it.

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For the Normal iOS App Icons:

This icon type is what you will usually see on the App Store, and your phone’s menu. Here are the sizes (in pixels) that you should follow:


  • 180px x 180px
  • 120px x 120px

iPad Pro:

  • 167px x 167px

iPad & iPad Mini

  • 152px x 152px

App Store

  • 1024px x 1024px

If you’re going to publish your app on all platforms, then you need to have different versions of your icon in the sizes above.

For the Small Version of iOS App Icons:

  • Spotlight
  • iPhone – 120px x 120px; 80px by 80px
  • iPad/iPad Pro/iPad Mini – 80px x 80px
  • Settings
  • iPhone – 87px x 87px; 58px by 58px
  • iPad/iPad Pro/iPad Mini – 58px x 58px
  • Notification
  • iPhone – 60px x 60px; 40px by 40px
  • iPad/iPad Pro/iPad Mini – 40px x 40px

You need to follow all of these sizes in order for Apple to approve your icon.

Considering the size requirements above, it’s best if you use big symbols and icons rather than long words. Doing so will prevent your app’s name and brand from being blurred or unreadable.

Best Tips for iOS App Icons

To further help you land on an appealing iOS app icon, here are some of the best tips from experts and Apple themselves:

Keep your icon clean.

By keeping your icon clean, it means using fewer words as possible. If you can, consider using no words at all. Instead, incorporate shapes, colors, and symbols. By doing this, you will be making a logo that users can easily understand.

On a side note, make sure that you keep your icon relevant with its theme and purpose.

Avoid transparent backgrounds.

Although transparent backgrounds are good design trends, they won’t be beneficial for you as the developer. This is because its appearance will be different from phone to phone. Hence, you will have no control over it, and you won’t be able to respond when issues arise from transparent backgrounds.

Stick to square corners.

You don’t have to make your icons round to fit in an iOS model. Apple will automatically do that for you. Doing it yourself can mean less flexibility for your logos and icons.

Basically, you need to ensure that your icon is easy to understand and memorize. It will help both you and the users in recognizing your app apart from the others.

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Where to Create an iOS App Icon

There is a lot of editing software out there. However, if you’re going to invest, you may as well invest in a service that will let you create logos, and ensure your app’s success.

Taking this into account, you should look into ASOMobile. They mainly focus on app store optimization (ASO), which means that they have ASO tools, marketing resources, app analytics, and free tools like a keyword checker and monitor.

With ASOMobile, it’s evident that you will get more than an icon creator. You will be able to give more value to your money.


Having an iOS app icon, more so, an appealing one, is one of the most crucial things in publishing an app. Without it, you won’t be able to put out your app. Conversely, a so-so one won’t also benefit you.

To come up with the right icon, make sure that you follow Apple’s requirements. You should also consider making samples based on the tips that we discussed earlier. Doing so will ensure that you will end up with a published app and a notable icon for it.

If you want a reliable tool to help you with the task, head on to ASOMobile. Along with an editor, it also comes with the things you will need for your app’s continuous growth. These include ASO tools, app analytics, and a ton of free tools.