How to Leverage Video in Your Startup Marketing Strategy

As a startup, you are probably wandering the internet looking for a marketing strategy to help you grow faster. Well, video predates digital marketing and should never be sidelined. It is suitable for every brand or industry. Just as most SAAS companies leverage SAAS video production to spread the features of their products, most of your audience want to see that yours too.

Videos make up to 80% of the internet traffic because they are easy to perceive, engaging and have a natural affinity for emotions. Are you ready to elevate your business with videos? Let’s give you some strategies.

1.    Create Introductory videos that tell your Brand Story

Your business is new to the market; hence it is ideal for introducing yourself and establishing an identity. With an introductory video, you can share the common problems that inspired the establishment of your business and how your affordable solution is beneficial. Discuss the history, beliefs and mission statement of the company. Stay focused on sharing your brand story.

A live Q&A on social media, business profile videos or behind-the-scene videos of daily operations is also a good start. It is an excellent way to start a dialogue with your audience.

2.    Use Explainers and How-tos to establish value.

Consumers love to get all the information they need before spending a dime on their money. Filling your website with text that explains the specifications and instructions of your product is helpful. But an explainer video is an exciting way to help them get the visual experience of the benefits of your product.

Also, how-to videos will provide educative content on how best to use your product. These videos are a complete showcase that relates your product as a solution to specific problems your audience may be facing. They project your brand as experts.

3.    Customer’s Testimonials to build trust

Several consumers read online reviews before making their purchasing decision. Since videos offer a deeper level of engagement, showing a real person singing your praises will have a substantial impact. Get your customers to do a creative review video and distribute it across social media sites. Ensure that the videos are natural and authentic.

For a startup, getting customer reviews may be challenging, but do not hesitate to request a review video or do some social media listening to find posts or stories where your brand name was mentioned. Reaching out to existing customers will improve engagement, and reviews will help prospective customers build trust and confidence in your product or services.

4.    Spotlights on Employees’ daily routine

With the testimonial videos, explainers and instructional videos out there, you have been able to get people interested in your brand. Showing them the inner working and operational activities will also keep them engaged. Create compelling video content using internal experts for tutorials or video blogs showing operational activities that get the job done.

You also go the extra mile into creating short videos that show your employees’ daily routine as they display their competence and personalize your brand. A short clip that shows a typical work day in your company and the relationship between employees will also keep your target audience locked with you.

5.    Leverage Influencers to improve visibility and credibility

What if you don’t get reviews from customers? Leverage influencers and content creators. Although it seems like people are already used to seeing these videos, there are still great chances of them converting after the influencer marketing setup. These influencers can also save you the cost of employing an in-house video producer to create content.

If you have enough customer reviews, you can use these influencers to increase your reach on social media platforms.

Start Promoting video content now.

Use video content to add more life to your marketing strategies. Help your target audience see your brand, hear its voice and engage deeper. When posting these videos, ensure to use the right keywords and hashtags. Follow the dimensions and requirements of the different platforms you will be sharing the video. Lastly, always stay authentic.

Don’t be afraid to explore any opportunity to create a video for your marketing strategy. The results will always justify your decision.