It has been four days since Sapphire started a teaser campaign for its Radeon Toxic Graphic cards. Today, on the 4th day of the campaign, Sapphire has posted a new teaser, which suggests that the upcoming Toxic series graphic card will come equipped with a hybrid AIO cooler.
The trailer reveals that a fan is hidden behind the grill, which apparently is installed at the rear end of the graphic card. This tells that the card has an AIO pump below the glossy shroud.
The upcoming TOXIC brand will be a return of an iconic Sapphire series. The TOXIC series have not been updated since Radeon RX 390X. Sapphire will most probably offer TOXIC series under RX 6900 XT SKU initially.
The two letters, T and A, were noticed in the first trailer by Sapphire China. It is believed that Sapphire will release the Toxic and Atomic series with liquid cooling. The latest trailer indicates that Saphire might launch a new series called TOXIC ATOMIC.
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