Today, most people are on their computers for hours each day. Whether it’s for work, pleasure or simply to pay bills and keep up with family and friends, being online is generally a very normal part of the day. Of course, many people use their computer to enjoy a wide range of activities, including the thrill of online gambling.
When you open an account with Euro Palace Online Casino, you’ll not only get great opportunities to take advantage of new player promotions, but you’ll also receive a number of other exciting promotions. For example, as a new player bonus, when you make your initial deposit, you’ll receive matching funds of up to $/£/€150, absolutely free! This is an incredible offer and will give you even more opportunities to try your luck at Euro Palace.
Of course, in addition to the new player welcome bonus, you’ll also receive exciting weekly promotions. These promotions include fun slot tournaments, deposit matches and lucky draw. Monthly promotions, such as cash back offers, tournaments and giveaways are always an exciting part of being a Euro Palace member.
A current promotion at Euro Palace is a chance to win one of three trips being offered to the Las Vegas strip. Euro Palace wants to take you to the Vegas strip and all you have to do is play your favorite games and earn reward points. Every time you accumulate 100 reward points, you’ll earn another entry into the drawing for a trip to the Las Vegas strip. In addition to earning extra draws for an exciting trip to Vegas, when you earn reward points, you’ll also be able to take advantage of extra opportunities to win instant prizes. As you work your way towards your Las Vegas draws, every time you reach 100% by filling up the arrow, you’ll also have a chance at a scratch for instant prizes.
Euro Palace wants to take you to the Vegas strip, but they also want to reward you for being a valuable member. They offer their exclusive Euro Palace Loyalty Rewards Programme where loyal players are rewarded with a number of valuable benefits. For example, Euro Palace Online Casino offers all Real Money account holders an opportunity to earn rewards through their loyalty programme. The more you play at Euro Palace, the faster you’ll be able to earn valuable loyalty reward points. These points can be redeemed for cash credits. Additionally, there are no wagering requirements that must be met before you can cash your winnings in.
To get started with Euro Palace, all you need to do is follow a few simple steps. First, you’ll need to decide how you would like to play. You can choose a free download, play on a mobile device or play instantly, with no download required. The next thing you’ll need to do is register your account. Registering an account is quick and easy and requires nothing more than providing your email address, some simple contact information and choosing a password. Once your account is registered, you’ll need to fund your account and you’ll be ready to start playing and earning rewards.