Top 5 CBD Gummies Friendly Countries

CBD gummies are being used all over the world, despite the fact that most people had never even heard of them just a few years ago.

Nevertheless, there are definitely still places where CBD is more accepted than others. This is because certain countries have a much more tolerable view of CBD and cannabis in general, both in their laws and the people’s view of cannabis.

So which countries are more accepting of the use of CBD? Where are the very best places to go and enjoy the best CBD gummies without hassle?

#1 USA

It should come as no surprise to find the USA on this list. Without the advances we’ve seen in the USA over the last couple of decades, the CBD world would not be where it is today.

While genuine cannabis products are still in a strange limbo of being federally illegal, states all over the USA have worked on improving the societal place of cannabis products in general.

Thanks to the advances and work of places like Washington State and Colorado, not only are an increasing number of people aware of CBD as a concept but more than ever before are using the cannabinoid themselves. This is massively helped by the fact that the 2018 Farm Bill made hemp federally legal.

CBD gummies are one of the most significant CBD products in the USA right now, with people all over the country taking them every day. While there are still plenty of people across the USA that don’t look too kindly at any form of cannabis, the fact remains that CBD is becoming increasingly favorable amongst the general public.

#2 United Kingdom

The excitement surrounding CBD isn’t just limited to the US; across the pond, people in the UK are enjoying it as well.

While the control over CBD products’ is definitely a bit more stringent, with a 0.2% THC limit on all CBD products, the cannabinoid is still widely available.

Most CBD gummies found in the UK are made from EU hemp, and indeed the level of quality control that goes into the manufacturing process is surprisingly intense and consistent.

Users can likely enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that their CBD oil gummies are legal to buy and use and of extremely high quality.

#3 Austria

Just like many other places in the EU, Austria loves its CBD. Users don’t need any sort of doctor’s note or referral; it is easy enough to buy it from a store.

CBD is actually ubiquitous in that area of Europe, and it is not unheard of to pass a group of people happily smoking some CBD hemp without any attention.

You’re just as likely to find CBD gummies at the checkout counter of a supermarket as you are to find them at a health food store.

#4 France

France’s requirements for legal CBD are the same as the UK, requiring 0.2% or less THC content, but this is a fairly common law all over the world at the moment.

That said, France is expecting a complete cannabis legalization in the coming years thanks to the constantly growing acceptance of the plant.

In the meantime, though, CBD gummies can be found pretty much anywhere and are super easy to buy with no problems.

#5 Italy

Italy is just like many other countries in the EU regarding CBD acceptance; it is totally legal, but it has a 0.3% THC maximum, the same as Austria.

What makes Italy really significant when it comes to cannabis products is that the plant is almost entirely legal there. The only European country that outdoes Italy in this area is, of course, the Netherlands.

Though still restricted to only medicinal and, strangely enough, army use, cannabis is making a massive splash in Italian society.

The older generations might be pretty dead set against using it, but an increasing number of younger Italians are starting to become interested in cannabis and its cannabinoids, like CBD.

Final Thoughts On The Top 5 CBD Gummies Friendly Countries

CBD gummies are pretty much the wave of the future when it comes to health supplements, so expect to find them being used all over the place.

Hopefully, sometime in the not too distant future, there will be no better or worse countries for CBD gummy users. Instead, it will just be totally legal and accepted everywhere.

In the meantime, though, these are the top five countries in terms of the acceptance and use of CBD oil gummies.