20 of the Worst PC Setups – March 2017

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I’m sure at some point you’ve had a bad PC setup. Maybe moving into a new place, waiting for a new desk to arrive or you just ran out of room. I can remember my horrible PC setups from when I was living at the dorms in college. If you have ever ventured over to the Shitty Battlestations sub-reddit you will find a lot of horrible PC setups. We will are going to pick 20 each month and feature them as 20 of the Worst PC setups for that month. Here are some of the bad ones from March.

20 of the Worst PC Setups – March 2017

“Shit Camera, Shit Battlestation”

“Painful Setup Part 2: Gaming”
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“No LCD? No problem.”

“My 2011 setup. Using a computer should be a relaxing experience, hence the couch.”

“PC only has VGA, no HDMI for me. Have to run Overwatch on awful resolution to get a game out of it. And yes, that’s a chopping board doubling as a mouse mat.”

“My shitty gaming/folding at home battle station”

“On my front porch lookin’ in…”

“My battlestation during the winter of 2007”

“I was coerced to post here”

“A slice of paradise”