5 great apps for writing your college essays

There is no artificial intelligence capable of writing an essay for you. But there are quite a few apps that can make this process easier and funnier. They will give you ideas, correct your mistakes and structure your texts according to the demands of teachers.

The final choice is always up to you, but a helping hand is always useful. Just try some of the great apps for writing essays and we are sure that you’ll make even more magnificent texts with their help!

  1. Grammarly

One of the most well-known applications, Grammarly doesn’t only correct grammar mistakes (every text processor can do it now). It also suggests synonyms, corrects punctuation mistakes and makes long sentences shorter and more reader-friendly. Of course, It won’t write a whole essay for you, but you can read some available online essay examples on free sources like OzziEssays and write it by yourself.

Grammarly positions itself as an online proofreader. It automatically checks the text for plagiarism and uniqueness and can be used at any laptop or desktop, disregarding of its operating system. Mostly the functions of the app are available for free, but a pro account is recommended if you want Grammarly to fully proofread and evaluate your essay almost like your teacher does.

  1. Pro Writing Aid

Pro Writing Aid is another of the most famous text-correcting apps. It has a huge vocabulary that allows it to correct both scientific and literary pieces. Its functions are mostly similar to Grammarly (but we believe that the latter does proofreading better), but to fully appreciate the Pro Writing Aid possibilities we strongly recommend using the14-days free trial of paid version. The free version is only slightly better than average Word, OpenOffice or Google Docs grammar correction tool (but the free version still has access to the incredible vocabulary of Pro Writing Aid).

If you have some common mistakes you make every time you stop paying a hundred percent of attention to your grammar, Pro Writing Aid is really what you need!

  1. Manuscript

A very easy to use writing app that finds typos, corrects inappropriate numerations and grammar mistakes. Manuscript also can find compound words and abbreviations it is not sure about or propose synonyms to words that appear in your texts too often. It doesn’t provide the full self-editing spectrum of services, but Manuscript is completely free, has a very pleasant interface and can operate as a great and more proficient alternative to our usual word processors. It works smoothly at any laptop or desktop and you don’t need to pay for the full version to appreciate all the possibilities of Manuscript and decide whether you want to continue writing in it.

  1. Hemingway

If you decide to use an app without proofreading function, but still feel that text appears to be somewhat heavy – Hemingway is here to help. As its human counterpart, Hemingway app has a bold and distinctive style of writing and will correct your text according to it. It will suggest synonyms that hit right home in a given context, break overly long sentences into shorter ones and generally makes your text much more reader-friendly.

The desktop version costs around $20, but, luckily, Hemingway has a web version that is completely free. So, if you need a deeper self-editing process, this app will polish your texts to perfection.

  1. Scrivener

Scrivener is mostly suitable for larger texts, but it works with essays perfectly, too! Its difference from previous apps is that you may break your texts into parts of any size and then just swap them around like cards on your desk. If you’re writing an essay by yourself with the help of other examples on websites like ProcollegeEssays, you may structure your essay without tiresome copy and pasting routine, just interchanging parts and looking if the result is appealing enough to you.

Scrivener’s second great function is a possibility to conduct a full-fledged research without closing your app and going into browser. You have almost an infinite number of functions from transcribing an interview to searching for an author of the particular photo you want to use in your essay. Scrivener is a fantastic all-in-one app that will be handy up to your PhD thesis!

There are only a few of dozens essay-writing apps. Some of them are more essay-oriented (e.g. they can generate thesis statements out of your text or make a short summary out of long paper), some of them are more generalized, or, on the contrary, specific – but they all share one important trait: they make the life of a writer much, much easier.

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