HR Trends That Will Dominate 2022

In the era where businesses are implementing the remote work modality and need to digitally transform to enable the management of their businesses electronically, you need to understand human resources (HR) trends that will dominate 2022 to remain relevant in the global market.

Originally, HR has been defined as the staff, tools, and services organizations require to help manage the entire workforce. However, we are experiencing a great transformation in the nature of work. This transformation includes physical office spaces, integration of digital tools, and reorganization of organizational hierarchies.

The transformation that is going on requires that human resources must be viewed from an entirely new dimension. Human resources must be redefined to embrace the new changes. Where HR has all along been a department, in 2021 and beyond, that cannot suffice.

While the core functions of HR will still be relevant, the new human resources definition must take into cognizance the several growing priorities. Human resources must become a “vehicle” for improving the overall lifestyle of employees. The new human resources definition must deem it necessary to offer a more expansive range of employee benefits, ensure employee digital experience is protected, and enhance the provision of ongoing support to ensure employee well-being.

It’s, therefore, pertinent to explore some of the HR trends that will dominate 2022 and beyond.

1. Integration of AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is no longer a buzzword, and the relevancy of organizations in the global market will largely depend on how AI is integrated into the modern workplace. While there are still some elements of fear that the introduction of AI portends robots taking over or rendering administrative jobs redundant, the truth is that AI has come to stay and will play a very significant role in the new human resources definition in 2022. AI will dramatically complement employees’ tasks.

AI will come in to take over a lot of the mundane and rote tasks that stress out and constitute frustrations for employees. This will leave HR employees to put in veritable time into more complex and productive projects. AI will be greatly deployed into tasks such as hiring and onboarding of new employees, performance management, and forecasting future talent needs. The Economist reports that an accurately programmed hiring software can remove biases and be more impartial in the hiring process.

2. Employee-first approach

The new human resources definition will focus more on an employee-first approach in 2022. The realization now is that employees seek a more comprehensive experience at work, and they believe the employer has to ensure their well-being is safeguarded. Organizations will enhance a better culture of empowerment, employees will be more enabled to advance their careers, there will be room for employees’ growth, and inclusion will be given precedence.

The fact that you have not fully returned to a physical workspace does not stop you from ensuring that your employees are happy with their work. There are a lot of collaboration tools and platforms that can enhance video conferencing and even ordinary phone calls to inquire about employees’ well-being. The new human resources definition will focus on making concerted efforts at reducing stress and frustrations that can lead to mental breakdown and disorders.

A shift will be seen towards a more compassionate approach to mental health issues among employees. Quality attention will be given to the usual biases we see with gender, age, ethnicity, races, religious inclinations, sexual beliefs, and background. The scale will tilt towards productivity and employees’ contributions in adding more value to the organization will be appreciated.

3. Boosting employees engagement and retention

2022 will showcase the new human resources definition that focuses on retention and proper engagement of employees. The ultimate engagement of employees is not something you do out of your whims, it’s a project you must plan for from the onset, while onboarding. Onboarding of employees is not something you do in a day, especially now that businesses no longer operate from a physical workspace.

It’s a gradual thing that will be accomplished with collaboration tools to enhance continuous online training and improvement. There is, therefore, the need to ensure that employees are properly engaged and invested in their roles. Employees will feel happy and willing to contribute to the growth of the organization when they fully understand their role and the expectations from management.

Frustrated employees will always want to quit, and this hampers retention. Embarking on employees’ empowerment must be central to the new human resources definition. Management must create the right environment for HR staff to ensure that engagement is on an organization-wide scale.

Losing employees only means you have to replace them; this has become more costly with the work from the home model, and that is in addition to the fact that it jeopardizes business performance.

4. Enhancing digital employee experience

Digital transformation is aimed at integrating new technologies and creating better values for customers; this centers on the employee’s digital experience. Deploying new digital tools and revamping legacy systems have the potential to improve operational efficiency, increase collaboration, and open new revenue streams. It takes some level of extra effort from employees to fully grasp the workings of these new tools and technologies.

Without a good digital employee experience, the task may be frustrating and will not be successful. A particular organization may need to incorporate many apps and digital platforms to enhance daily processes. You also need routine updates and regular retraining and support for cloud-based apps.

In 2022, HR will focus more on the way usability and efficiency of digital tools do not negatively impact the digital employee experience and ultimately, the general employee experience that can lead to a shortfall in productivity. The provision of ample software onboarding and digital support tools are part of the HR trends that will dominate 2022. The new human resources definition will concentrate on how to protect the digital employee experience; the attention will be on enhancing employees’ success and ensuring their work lives are made easier.