Mirror’s Edge Will Be Released in Early 2016

Mirror's Edge Mirror's Edge

Electronic Arts confirmed that the new Mirror’s Edge from DICE will be released in early 2016. This information was revealed at EA’s latest earnings call. The game is scheduled to be released in the first three months of 2016. The Mirror’s Edge reboot was first announced in 2013.

Mirror's Edge

Last year at E3, EA and DICE gave an update on the development of the game. From producer Sara Jansson:

“I wanted to let you know that the game is progressing nicely and I think you’re going to love it,” “I know many of you probably wish we would show more of the game, but we’re still pretty early in development and our passionate core Mirror’s Edge team is working full on to make the best game possible.”

And here is what they showed at E3 last year:

The original Mirror’s Edge was launched in 2009 for Playstation 3, Xbox 360 and Windows PC. I assume we will see some new Mirror’s Edge footage at E3 2015 in June, stay tuned!

Source: WCCFTech | News Archive