Timeline of Computer History in a Diagram

  1. Basic info of computer history

There was a serious number-crunching prices switch left to the birth of the computer. As we made think that it was produced for entertainment or email but that is not the case. In 1880 our population has become so large that it took 7 years to get hold of the senses results. The government needed a much faster method to do the same which gave rise to computers that were based on a punch card and were so huge that they took the entire room. You can understand better if you read the history timeline of computers.

The English mechanical engineer Charles Babbage is the one who created the concept of a computer that was programmable. He is also considered to be the father of the computer as he invented the first-ever mechanical computer in the early 19th century this computer was so advance that it was well ahead of their time.

  1. Computer history in a timeline map 

Here is the timeline of computer history made with MindMaster for better understanding.

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Alan Turing was in English scientist to propose the model of a universal machine which was mathematical model of computation that predict the electronic computer and it was called the turing machine.


The first electronic digital computer was made in the 1940s which use to solve the general purpose problem and was designed by Mauchly and Eckert.

The first transistor and also the first set of assembly languages were made in the 1940s.


The universal automatic computer was developed which was aimed for carrying out business purposes.

The IBM 701 was also produced during this time which was the first mass computer that was made.The first commercial hard drive and integrated circuit were also developed during this time.

The 1950s also saw the birth of Computer programming languages.


In 1963 the first ever mouse was invented. Following it the prototype of the first modern computer was also presented in this era. It also saw the introduction of  Moore’s law and the creation of Intel.Unix was also created during this era.


The first commercial microprocessor was released and so was the DRAM chip. The first commercial microprocessor was also released and so was the first commercial floppy disk.The 1970s also so the invention of Microsoft and Apple which are currently the 2 biggest tech giants.


The first modern computer for personal use was introduced by the IBM which used Ms dos. The unveiling of the first commercial computer was also done during this time.Windows 1.0 was also released in 1985.


HTML was invented in the 1990s and so was the first Internet browser.Windows also launched Microsoft Office during this time.The first commercial SSD was also released during this time. The Google search was also launched during this time and so was the first camera phone and the first smartphone.


Windows XP and Mac OS X was also launched during this time. The first commercially available 64 bit processor was also made during this time. Kindle was also released during this time and so was YouTube.The first iPhone was also launched during this..


Apple released its iPad and smart watches also began to surface.Windows 10 was also released during this time.


IPad pro with trackpad support was launched in 2020.

  1. How to create this timeline map with MindMaster?

computer history 2

You can create this timeline if you download timeline maker and easily follow a one click my map generation which is password protected There are many stylish themes and top menu that can help you with an amazing user interface

You can easily create a mind map with the many features that come with MindMaster.

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  1. Some key features of MindMaster are

  • It comes with both of free version as well as the pro version. And you can make amazing mind maps with the free mind mapping software
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  • It also works great when it comes to timeline, bubble, fishbone as well as sector map creation.
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This free mind mapping software is like no other when it comes to creating comprehensive mind maps.