What Blocks Cell Phone Signals? 9 Key Building Materials to Know

There are several different types of building materials that can interfere with your cell reception. You can click here to learn what blocks cell phone signals.

Are you having trouble getting a signal? Despite all of the advances in cellphone technology, sometimes it’s still hard to get a signal when you need it.

We understand that when you’re too far from a tower, your cellphone struggles to connect. Did you know that certain building materials can kill your cellphone signal—even with a nearby tower? If your phone doesn’t connect for a call, it could be the building you’re in or where you’re standing that’s causing the problem.

Before you walk into another building that disrupts your cell service, be aware that you could be dealing with one of these nine key building materials that blocks cell phone signals.

  1. Glass

How many times have you stood near the window to see if your cellphone can find a better signal?

Despite the clear sightline to a potential tower, that glass window could be the thing blocking your signal.

The glass in a window can reflect a cell signal away from a tower. It can also make the signal bounce around the room before it finds your phone. If you’re in an office building with double pained or insulated glass, despite the sun shining in, the cell signal will struggle to get through to you.

  1. Drywall

Many homes and office buildings finish out a room’s ceilings and walls with drywall. You probably don’t even think about a room having drywall because so many places do!

While the sheetrock that makes up most of what you know as drywall isn’t the biggest signal killer, it can be the final straw. If a signal can make it into the interior of your space, that drywall could be the last thing standing in the way of your cellphone’s signal strength.

Landlines are becoming less common for businesses and at home. If you have drywall throughout your home or office, consider mobile signal repeaters to help boost signal strength and keep communication flowing through your cellphones.

  1. Insulation

If it’s not the drywall, it could be the insulation behind it. Your home or office insulation signalboosters.com.au could be anything from fiberglass to blanket batts or spray foam. Any of these materials can divert your cellphone’s signal or block cell phone signals completely.

In a completed home or office building, you won’t have a choice about the insulation used during construction. However, when renovating a house or with a new build, consider how each type of insulation might affect the cell phone reception inside your completed building.

  1. Plaster

Does your home have plaster walls? Whether inside, outside, or both, the plaster could be the culprit behind your loss of cellphone coverage.

In most cases, the plaster on a wall is a thin layer used as a decorative touch. However, because plaster consists of cement, lime, or gypsum, these elements can be a cell-signal-deterrent. Despite the beauty plaster adds to a wall or ceiling, it can be detrimental to your cell phone conversations.

  1. Metal

A structure’s other materials might not interfere with your cell signal, but if it has a metal roof, you’ll never make a call. If you work in a metal building on a construction site or in a warehouse, you probably find yourself going outside to make or receive calls.

Metal is one of the worst materials when it comes to blocking a cell signal. Even though metal roofing has come a lot way aesthetically, it’s not helpful if you plan to use a cellphone while you’re inside the building.

Before you add a metal roof to your home or choose a portable building made of metal, consider how much you’ll need to use your phone.

  1. Brick

Brick is another one of the most common building materials for homes and commercial buildings. It’s also a significant barrier to your cellphone signal.

A brick on its own creates a signal block. The thickness of the brick makes it difficult for the signal to get through. Add the mortar that helps bricks stay together to form a wall, and a cell signal has no way to get through to a phone inside the building. Because brick forms the exterior of a wall, it’s the first line of defense against your cellphone signal.

  1. Wood

Do you notice that when you visit a cabin in the woods, it’s hard to find a signal for your phone? The volume of trees and the thickness of the tree trunks around your home, office, or quiet getaway location could be interfering with your cell phone signal.

Your house likely has an interior frame made of wood. Depending on the type of wood, your house’s framing could also contribute to a weak phone signal. A softer wood might not pose much of a threat, but harder woods could destroy a signal before it has a chance to reach your phone.

  1. Concrete

Contractors use concrete to support buildings, roads, and bridges for a reason: it’s thick and can bear a tremendous amount of weight.

With that in mind, it’s not difficult to understand why concrete can interfere with your cellphone reception. If concrete can hold up the weight of your house or a skyscraper, it’s strong enough to keep a cell signal away.

  1. Stone

Natural materials can deter a cell signal as much as some of the manmade materials we’ve mentioned. You might drop a signal while driving through a canyon or enter an old church made of stone and have the same experience with your phone.

Stone is dense and not conducive to passing a signal. It can be a beautiful and eco-friendly way to build your home, but it might limit your ability to use your cellphone inside.

Don’t Stress About What Blocks Cell Phone Signals

With so many materials working against you, you’ll have to work hard to avoid anything that blocks cell phone signals. If your phone struggles to connect, move to another room, step outside, or consider a cell signal booster.

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