5 DevOps Trends Changing The Gaming Development Industry

There are several sophisticated DevOps trends changing the game development industry. With the coronavirus spreading throughout the United States, many people are staying home on account of government regulations, grim statistics, and efforts to stop the virus. For DevOps developers, this is fueling growth across various segments of the gaming industry. As a result, the demand for products is rising. 2020 is seeing an increase in DevOps industry leaders forming strategic alliances such as mergers and collaborations. Automation and microservices architecture implementation are expected to continue to drive the market as engineers escalate their runtime and efficiency. Read on to learn about several DevOps trends changing the gaming industry.

Serverless Architecture

Serverless architecture is a popular trend transforming the software development lifecycle for DevOps pipelines in the gaming industry. At its core, serverless computing is a solution of software applications built using fully managed third-party services as dependencies. Overall, serverless architecture can significantly improve the runtime to execute code, also known as Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) platforms. Backend-as-a-service (Baas) platforms are another staple concept of serverless architecture that allows you to shift your focus to the computer game application at hand. By employing serverless architecture, your development team can maximize efficiency, reduce costs, and maintain a resilient workflow. Serverless architecture is one major DevOps trends changing the gaming industry.

Cloud Computing

Another major DevOps shift changing the game application development sector is cloud computing platforms. According to research studies, cloud gaming is expected to boom on the market in the next upcoming years. Essentially, cloud gaming services shift game play processing from the user’s hardware to the provider’s server. This creates a potentially less expensive and more user-friendly experience for the game players. In the DevOps pipeline, cloud computing can achieve higher broadband speeds and penetration from 5G connection. Consequentially, cloud computing gaming will be increasingly more accessible to technology consumers as it achieves faster delivery times. Cloud computing is an advanced DevOps trend transforming the game development industry.

Docker Container Registries

Docker container registries are another influential DevOps trend changing software development for game applications. Docker’s open-source engine is fueling the growing market for containerization. With Docker’s universality, it’s easy to get running on virtually any operating system. In addition, you can integrate a JFrog container registry to support your Docker containers and Helm chart repositories for Kubernetes deployments. You can integrate this artifactory container registry for reliable, scalable, and efficient integration into your build ecosystem. Moreover, with an artifactory-powered system, you can provide your DevOps team with full control over access and permissions. Docker container registries are significantly impacting DevOps teams across the game development sector.

Larger Infrastructure

In addition, larger infrastructure is another DevOps trend fueling growth in gaming development. According to studies, the more hosts a company has, the more likely it is the company has adopted Docker. Rather than being an experimental technology only deployed by fast-paced startups, Docker adoption tends to be driven by companies with larger infrastructure deployments. For instance, among organizations with over 1,000 hosts, over 40% of them have adopted Docker. On the other hand, less than 20% of organizations who have adopted Docker have fewer than 100 hosts. This data demonstrates a positive correlation between Docker usage and infrastructure size. Therefore, larger infrastructure is a DevOps trend transforming game application development.

Test Automation Tools

Furthermore, test automation tools are also fueling growth in software development for game applications. After a game (in APK or IPA) is constructed by the build system, it can be automatically sent to the first test (called the smoke test). Here, automated test tools will check for device compatibility and functionality quality. From there, each regression test can be conducted with existing test scripts for specific functions. With test automation tools, you can also automate localization, performance tests, and connectivity as well. Through these high-powered testing resources, you can configure high quality video games that support various types of modern gaming hardware. For example, you can configure programs that are able to support gaming headsets, mice, and other associated hardware. Test automation tools are an influential DevOps trend changing the game development industry.

There are several DevOps trends changing the gaming industry. Harnessing the power of these trends, programmers can largely improve their video game development pipeline.  For instance, serverless architecture is increasing efficiency on the runtime to execute code. In addition, cloud computing is also facilitating developers to achieve faster delivery times. Docker container registries are improving scalability and management as well. Moreover, larger infrastructure is correlating with Docker adoption as gaming companies expand their number of hosts. Furthermore, test automation tools are working to accelerate the delivery time within DevOps pipelines. Consider the points above to learn about several DevOps trends changing the gaming industry.