How to Begin a Gaming Blog Page and Make Money

This is a step-by-step guide that will show you how to start a gaming blog and earn money with complete details and explanation. It goes without saying that the following information is for those that know that hard work generates reward and speaking about rewards if you want to win big in iGaming visit casino online. This process can be confusing if you don’t know what you’re doing. My hope is to simplify so that anyone can follow along. First let’s take a peek at the major steps in this guide and what you’ll need to launch a gaming blog. Here’s a breakdown:

  • Register a domain name + hosting account
  • Install WordPress
  • Customize your new blog
  • Install a gaming blog theme
  • Add some vital WordPress plugins

The first two steps are the most technical and they’re also the reason most people don’t do it. But if you really want to get into gaming blogging then launching your own blog is the fastest way to get started. All you need to do is get a site online and start building content. If you follow along and have some patience you can start a successful gaming blog.

So you’ve put the time and effort into creating your own website, you’ve come up with a kick-ass great topic to write about and you’ve published your first posts – but where are all the readers? You can’t just expect people to magically find your blog and start reading it – you have to promote it! It’s not easy, and it takes some serious hard work and dedication, but here’s some crucial tactics:

  • Use social media
  • Connect with other bloggers
  • Jump on news stories
  • Create viral content
  • Affiliate links
  • Ads
  • Selling newsletter space
  • Advertorials and sponsored content
  • Social media posts
  • Guest blogging
  • Working with an agency
  • Sell digital products
  • Use your blog as a stepping-stone

How to Earn Money from your Blog

This is the most important section of this article because here you will learn how to actually earn money from your blog that you have created in the previous steps. Basically you will have to put some ads on your blog to generate money.

There’s an Ad publishing system that you can apply for to be able to make money from your blog. That publishing system is known as Google Adsense. Although it is a very popular publishing platform among Internet users but if you are still not familiar with it then that’s not an issue. You can simply apply for a Google Adsense account and join it with your Blogger account. However, there are a few requirements before you can actually apply for an Adsense account.


Creating a brand new blog for yourself and configuring it to be able to generate income is as easy as described in this article. The complete process of creating a blog and signing up for an Adsense account is pretty straight forward. The hardest part is consistency and actually being able to earn money by turning it into a profitable source of income.  Almost all successful bloggers share some important traits which are consistency, patience and a passion for writing. If you have those characteristics, then you will one day surely count among the successful entrepreneurs.

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