Many Functional GTX 970 Cards Being Returned Over Memory Issue

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

It looks like many people are no satisfied with their GeForce GTX 970’s after the memory allocation controversy has been brought to light. Leading retailers have been reporting returns of perfectly functional GTX 970 cards with customers stating, “false advertising” as the reason for the return.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 has reported that NVIDIA is facing serious blowback from customers as well as retailers over incorrect specifications. Heise has commented that the specifications “cheating could mean the greatest damage to the reputation of the company’s history.”

German PC hardware retailer has said that retailers do not have any explanation from NVIDIA to give to their customers. Apparently the same has been said for AIC partners according to TechPowerUP. They have said that NVIDIA has no wordwide action plan to deal with the flood of returns and that retailers and AIC partners are on their own for the time being.

So what are retailers and AIC partners to do? Well most retailers will have to take the cards back and issue a full refund if they are not able to repair or exchange the card with another unit that works as advertised, which we know they cannot. It will be interesting to see if any lawsuits come out of this. AMD is already trying to cash in on this controversy.

NVIDIA has said that they plan to release a driver update that will “improve” the way the card allocates resources, but we are not sure what that exactly means. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out for NVIDIA.

Source: TechPowerUp! | News Archive