According to the latest rumors, Microsoft is reportedly developing several prototypes for a handheld Xbox device. Jez Corden, speaking on the Xbox Two podcast, mentioned that the company has multiple prototypes aimed at playing Xbox games directly. However, the existence of these prototypes doesn’t guarantee that the device will be released, as Microsoft has previously canceled projects like the Surface Mini.
Although there’s uncertainty regarding the Xbox handheld’s market release, Jez Corden is optimistic for several reasons. Firstly, the current gaming landscape, highlighted by the success of the Steam Deck and similar devices, suggests a favorable environment. It would be illogical for Microsoft not to pursue its handheld device, especially given Valve’s success in creating a platform featuring exclusives from both Microsoft and Sony. Furthermore, unlike other rumors, such as those suggesting Microsoft might go third-party earlier this year, the absence of debunking regarding the Xbox handheld rumors indicates that the company is, at the very least, contemplating the idea.
Regarding the potential release date of an Xbox handheld, it’s difficult to predict, but it’s unlikely to debut this year or the next. Typically, as a product nears its release, more information tends to leak, similar to what’s occurring with the PlayStation 5 Pro. The absence of such leaks suggests that the Xbox handheld is still far from being launched.
In addition to discussing the Xbox handheld, Jez Corden also addressed the recent certification of a mysterious new dev kit in South Korea. Corden suggests that it might be an updated version of the dev kit incorporating AI features to familiarize developers with them ahead of the next-generation console. However, there’s currently no solid information available on this matter.