What GPU is in the PS5? A Deep Dive

Are you trying to figure out why some games look incredible on your friend’s PlayStation but not as much on yours? Well, it’s all about the PS5 GPU. This tiny powerhouse is what makes games on PlayStation 5 look so good.

In this article, we’ll explore everything about the PS5 GPU—from its nuts and bolts to how it compares with others and why it matters. Ready for a crash course? Keep reading!

What Graphics Card Does the PS5 Have?

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The PS5 rocks an AMD Radeon RDNA 2 graphics card, also known as “Oberon.” This beast brings games to life with sharp images and smooth movements. It’s like having a powerhouse art studio inside your console, working around the clock to make every scene stunning.

With tech that supports ray tracing, lights and shadows in games look more real than ever. This means you get to see incredible details, from the way light dances through water to how shadows move in a dark room.

Now, moving on from its impressive graphics setup, let’s dive into the detailed specs of this powerful component. Ready to see what makes this graphics workhorse tick?

Specifications of the PS5 Graphics Card

So, you want to know what makes the PS5 tick? Well, its graphics card is a beast. It’s built by AMD and uses some fancy tech called RDNA 2. This isn’t just any chip—it’s custom-made for pushing pixels fast and making games look stunning.

The clock speeds are through the roof, memory is massive, and it has all these things like compute units that work together to make your game visuals pop. If this were a car, it’d be one of those super-fast ones with a shiny engine under the hood!

Graphics Processor

The heart of the PS5’s visual magic lies in its GPU, based on AMD Radeon’s RDNA 2 architecture. This tech gem goes by the name “Oberon.” It packs a punch with 2304 cores that work hard to make games look amazing.

With this many cores, it can handle lots of data at once. Plus, it has 144 texture mapping units and 64 raster operation pipelines. These parts help make game graphics sharp and lifelike.

This chip also boasts a big memory of 16 GB using GDDR6 type, which means games load fast and run smooth. Its speed reaches up to 2233 MHz, while its memory zips along at an effective rate of 14 Gbps because of a wide bus that is 256 bits across.

Consuming up to 180 W, it’s like having a small powerhouse inside the console. The coolest part? It supports ray tracing for ultra-realistic lighting effects in games – making sunsets feel like you’re looking out your window rather than at your TV screen!

Clock Speeds

Clock speeds in the PS5 graphics card are like the sprint speed of a runner. The main heart of this machine races at 2233 MHz. That’s fast! It helps your games look amazing and run smooth.

Like when you’re switching between worlds in no time, it’s all thanks to those speeds.

Memory keeps up too, running at 1750 MHz (14 Gbps effective). This means more details in your games – sharper shadows, brighter lights. It’s like packing more into every second so you don’t miss a thing.

Everything looks real and moves without hiccups, making your gaming experience top-notch.


The PS5 packs a punch with its 16GB of GDDR6 storage space. This hefty amount allows game makers to work their magic, creating games that look amazing and run smoothly. With a bandwidth of 448GB/s, this thing moves data really fast, making sure those beautiful game worlds load quickly so you won’t be left waiting.

Moreover, the way this storage works with the console’s brain is pretty clever. It uses some smart tech to squish data down, meaning it can fit more into each trip from storage to action.

This isn’t just good for speed; it also lets creators build even bigger and better gaming worlds without hitting a wall because they ran out of room in the memory. In simple words, this setup is why PS5 games can look so stunning and why playing on this console feels like you’re right there in the action.

Render Config

PS5’s graphics card packs a punch with its render config. It has special tools like primitive shaders, variable rate shading, and mesh shaders. These tools make games look better by adding more detail and making light act like it does in real life.

Think of these features as the secret spices that chefs use to make their dishes stand out. They help PS5 games reach new heights in how they look and feel, making everything from shadows to textures more lifelike.

This GPU doesn’t just focus on looks; it makes sure gamers get a smooth ride too. With 16GB of GDDR6 memory, it handles big game worlds and detailed textures without breaking a sweat.

That means less waiting for things to load and more time playing. Plus, this setup is built for quick thinking, ensuring that every move you make happens right away. So whether you’re racing cars or saving the world, your PS5 keeps up with every step.

The Equivalence of the PS5 Graphics Card in PC GPUs

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The PS5 graphics card packs a punch – think of it like the NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 or the Radeon RX 5700 XT. These comparisons tell us that PS5’s power matches up well with some pretty high-end PC gaming cards.

This means, if you’re into PC games and are wondering how the PS5 stacks up, these two cards give you a good clue. They’re not just any cards; they’re like heavy hitters in the world of PC gaming.

So, if your desktop has one of these beasts under its hood, you’ve got an idea of what playing on a PS5 feels like. It’s all about bringing those crisp, deep visuals to life without breaking a sweat.

Sure, every game and setup might see things differently, but this gives gamers something solid to compare with. Whether you’re chasing dragons or racing cars at lightning speeds, knowing this makes picking between console and computer play a bit easier.

A Look into the PS5 Hardware Specifications

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Now that we’ve explored how the PS5’s graphics card stacks up against PC GPUs, let’s shift gears and dive into its overall hardware specs. This beast of a machine sports an AMD Radeon RDNA 2 architecture-based GPU, dubbed “Oberon”, that launched with quite the bang on November 12th, 2020.

Think of it as the heart pumping life into stunning visuals across countless game worlds. With a whopping 16 GB of GDDR6 memory and a wide roadway—a 256-bit memory bus—data zips around at impressive speeds.

But wait, there’s more to this powerhouse than just its graphic muscles. Running at a frequency of 2233 MHz with memory not far behind at 1750 MHz (14 Gbps effective), it’s like having a sports car under your thumb; ready to sprint whenever you hit play.

What truly sets it apart is its ability to render AAA titles in glorious 4k resolution while keeping things smooth as silk at up to 120 FPS for some games. And yes, for those who love their shadows and reflections looking crisp—ray tracing support is here! Let’s not forget about energy efficiency; all this power comes with a max draw of just 180 W.

The Significance of the Custom GPU in PS5

After exploring the PS5 hardware specs, it’s time to talk about why its custom graphics processing unit (GPU) is a big deal. Sony teamed up with AMD to create a special GPU for the PS5.

They named it “Oberon.” This teamwork made something powerful enough to run big games in 4K quality and reach speeds of up to 120 frames per second (FPS) on some titles. This isn’t just any ordinary GPU; it’s like having a superhero inside your console.

The Oberon GPU in the PS5 has 16GB of GDDR6 memory, which is super fast and can handle lots of data at once. With 2304 cores and RDNA 2 architecture, this GPU stands shoulder-to-shoulder with top-notch gaming GPUs you’d find in high-end PCs.

It can do ray tracing too – that means lights, shadows, and reflections look more real than ever before. Compared to older consoles like the PS4, Oberon brings games to life with better images and smoother play without long waits.

For gamers, this means stepping into worlds that feel almost real – all thanks to the incredible power packed into this custom chip by Sony and AMD.

PS5 Graphics Card VS PS4: A Comparative Analysis

Alright, let’s get down to brass tacks and compare the PS5 and PS4 graphics engines. This showdown is like comparing a sports car to a reliable sedan – both get the job done, but one does it with a lot more flair and speed. The PS5 and PS4 are both awesome in their ways, but boy oh boy, the differences in their graphics capabilities are like night and day. Check out this easy-to-digest table that lays it all out.

Feature PS5 PS4
Data Processing Power 10.3 TFLOPS 1.84 TFLOPS
Realistic Lighting Tech Supports ray tracing Does not support ray tracing
Visual Quality 4K resolution at up to 120 FPS 1080p resolution at up to 60 FPS
Graphics Processor Custom RDNA 2 architecture Custom GCN architecture
Memory 16 GB GDDR6 8 GB GDDR5

So, what does all this tech babble mean? Well, for starters, the PS5 can process a heck of a lot more data at once compared to its older brother, the PS4. We’re talking over five times the processing power. Plus, the PS5 brings ray tracing to the table, which is a fancy way of saying it makes lighting in games look super realistic. Imagine the way sunlight filters through the trees in your favorite RPG – that’s ray tracing in action.

And let’s chat visuals for a sec. The PS5 knocks it out of the park with 4K resolution gaming at a smooth 120 FPS for some titles. Meanwhile, the PS4 sticks to 1080p resolution at a respectable but less silky 60 FPS. Translation? Games on the PS5 look ridiculously sharp and run smoother than butter.

The heart of the PS5’s graphics prowess is its custom RDNA 2 architecture graphics processor, a significant upgrade over the PS4’s custom GCN architecture. This is what gives the PS5 its edge in handling more complex images and textures without breaking a sweat.

Finally, memory – the PS5 doubles down on what the PS4 offered, with 16 GB of the latest GDDR6 memory. More memory means the PS5 can juggle more tasks at once and load games faster than you can say “next-gen gaming.”

So, there you have it. The PS5 and PS4 might share the same family name, but when it comes to graphics, they’re playing in entirely different leagues. And for gamers, that means more immersive, lifelike experiences that draw us into the worlds we love to explore.

The Role of AMD’s Radeon RX 6700 in the PS5 GPU

So, after talking about how the PS5 graphics card beats the PS4, let’s move on to something interesting. The AMD Radeon RX 6700 plays a big part in the PS5 GPU story. This piece of tech makes sure games look amazing and run smoothly on the console.

It shares some cool features with what you’d find in a high-end gaming PC. Think sharp images and fast action without any lag.

The Radeon RX 6700 helps the PS5 bring games to life with details that feel real. Thanks to this powerful chip, players get to enjoy shadows and lights in games like never before. Plus, it supports ray tracing, which adds more depth to game scenes, making everything from reflections to explosions look fantastic.

This is why playing games on a PS5 feels so immersive – because every visual detail is taken care of by hardware that really knows its stuff.

The PS5: A Showcase of Impressive Hardware

The PS5 brings some serious muscle to the table. With an AMD Radeon RDNA 2 inside, it’s quite the powerhouse. Imagine games that not only look stunning in 4K but also run smoother than ever at up to 120 FPS.

Plus, with tech like real-time ray tracing, your game worlds look more lifelike. It’s pretty clear Sony didn’t hold back on making sure this console packs a punch.

Adding to the mix is a CPU from AMD’s Ryzen line and a speedy SSD for quick loading times. This means less waiting and more playing, which we all love. The leap from older consoles is huge – visuals are sharper, load times shorter, and gaming experiences richer.

Next up: let’s see how PS5 graphics stand toe-to-toe with its predecessor.


So, we’ve jumped deep into the PS5’s video card and wow, it’s a journey. This tech beauty brings games to life like never before. With its beefy specs and cool features like ray tracing, gamers are in for a treat.

It beats the old PS4 by miles and even gives fancy computer video cards a run for their money. Plus, with AMD’s magic under the hood, this machine is ready for whatever new games throw at it.

So yeah, if you’re all about top-notch gaming visuals, the PS5 has got your back!

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