Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition Revealed

Star Wars Battlefront Star Wars Battlefront

Star Wars Battlefront is still being worked on and receiving frequent updates to make the game balanced and fresh for gamers who have been playing since its release. If you haven’t purchased the game yet you may want to wait a few weeks as the games complete edition will be made available as the “Ultimate Edition”.


Earlier today the Ultimate Edition was revealed be EA and DICE, with pre-orders now open. This new edition of the game will have the base game as well as additional DLC content, including content that has yet to be released such as the Star Wars Rogue One inspired content. The Ultimate Edition will release in all regions on November 18th on Xbox One and PlayStation 4. For PC gamers expect the DLC based on Rogue One to be released soon as well.

From EA:
The Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition has everything fans need to live out their Star Wars battle fantasies, including the Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition and Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass. Rebels and Imperials alike will be able to expand their galaxy, with 4 expansion packs, 30+ maps, 14 heroes and 14 game modes.

Star Wars Battlefront Deluxe Edition with five exciting in-game unlocks, including exclusive emotes and the DL-44 blaster
Star Wars Battlefront Season Pass with 4 epic expansion packs
Star Wars Rogue One:Scarif, Star Wars Battlefront Death Star, Star Wars Battlefront Bespin, Star Wars Battlefront Outer Rim

Last week we reported that Star Wars Battlefront will be making its way to Origin access, so PC gamers will definitely want to jump on that if they haven’t purchased the game yet.