The Next Battlefield Game Officially Announced, Battlefield 2042

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It is finally clear what the next Battlefield game will be and we can stop calling it Battlefield 6. The Battlefield series will make its return to the modern era with Battlefield 2042 launching on October 22nd. The game is being built for PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox Series X. The big disappointment, at least for me is that there is no traditional single-player campaign. DICE will instead deliver its narrative over time through Battlefield 2042’s live service and seasonal content. You can check out the reveal trailer below…

As you can see from the trailer we are going to get those massive maps and battles that the Battlefield franchise is known for. DICE promises the same “only in Battlefield” moments on an even grander scale. There will be maps that support up to 128 players at once, which is just insane! Since the game is based in the near-future players will have access to tech that was unavailable in both Battlefield 1 and Battlefield 5 games. This will include robots, drones, wing suits and futuristic tanks and more!

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I don’t know about you but I’m pretty excited for this game! For more information check out the official website.