How To Create And Sell CSGO Skin

Video game lovers understand the popularity and deserved hype of the (Counter-Strike: Global Offensive) CS:GO game. This was the first Counter-Strike video game to offer skins. You can obtain the skins while you play the game. These are cosmetic items that can be used on your weapons. Even though they won’t give you a specific in-game advantage, there are a few reasons for using skins on your weapons.

Skins are one of the items that are bought on the game store. Therefore, you can use that opportunity to make some money by selling skins. The best part is that you get to create the cosmetic items and make them extra unique. This assures you of selling it at whichever amount you like. That being said, let’s see how you can create and sell CS:GO.

Creating the Skins

You should know that the skins must be officially added on the platform for people to buy and use them in the game.

Before you start creating the skin, ensure that you have one of the photo editing applications. You can use Photoshop CS6 Extended or VtfEdit, GIMP, and notepad. When you have the needed application, you can proceed to create the skin. Here is how to pull it off.

  1. Find the Needed Weapon Files

First off, you’ll need to find the weapon files from a reputable skin/accessory store. You can then find the relevant weapon’s TGA and OBJ files. While the TGA offers UV sheets that give the skin an actual texture, the obj files are the 3D model of the skin.

  1. Start a Texture

The TGA file allows you to map all the actual texture in the game. To map your skin texture, click on the Edit Texture in OBJ. This will show and update the texture on the model in real time. Keep in mind that each piece of the weapon is outlined in green. Plus every weapon plane is shown in white.

  1. Create Your Texture

At this point, the TGA file is a walk in the park because you’ll just have to fill in the colors as you wish. You’ll need to fill the available sections with the color/pattern of your choice. But first, you must put a base color before you begin working on the texture. Once you are done with the design of your new skin, save the file as a TGA.

  1. VTF and Notepad

After saving the TGA file, import it to VftEdit. You can then save it as a VTF file. The final file needed for the workshop is a text file. You can find the text file format on the Steam Workshop page. Simply enter the path to your VTF file in the first line.

  1. Finalizing

Lastly, you will need to finalize the work in the CS:GO workbench. To pull this off, upload the file, view how it looks in the game and if you are satisfied with it. If it is as you like, save the file to the workbench and click on submit. From there, you simply have to load the files in the available spaces and you’ll be done.

Selling The Skin

When selling your custom-made CS:GO skin, you will need to find a good selling platform. Skin Wallet lets you sell CS-GO skins and earn money to buy other inventory items in the game. Keep in mind if you’re selling any items that require a good marketing video, you should consider hiring a professional video production company.

Here is how you can sell the skin.

  1. Determine what you want in return

The first thing is to consider the objective of selling the skin. Do you want to receive something specific in return? Suppose you’re just disposing of the extra skins that you don’t need, do not expect to make good money from it. If you want to make a lot of money from it, ensure that the skin is elegant and unique enough.

  1. Put your skin up for sale

You can choose the skin to sell be determining which skin you want to sell. If it is an in-game skin, you will need to sell it through the game. But if it’s the custom-made skin, you will need to use the selling platform.

Since you will be using Skin Wallet, you’ll need to sell the skin through the website. The best part is that this will only take three steps to sell.

First, you have to upload the skin via Steam Workshop from the Skin Wallet website. Login to the site via your STEAM details, then add your STEAM Trade URL to evaluate your skin. After that, choose the custom-made skin that you wish to sell from your inventory.

Lastly, put up your skin for sale and cashout your money via PayPal.

  1. Decide How You Wish to Sell

This point should probably come before the previous point. Before you sell the skin, you need to consider how you will sell it. There are two ways of selling skins. You can do so either through an auction or bot.

Selling through an auction will need you to register as a seller and put up the item for sale. The good thing about an auction sale is that you will always find a willing buyer for your set price. In the long run, you can get a lot of money depending on the person that bids the highest. If you prefer an auction sale, ensure that you use a reputable site to avoid being duped.

The drawback of selling through an auction is that you have to wait for someone to be interested in your item.

Selling through bots assures you of a faster sale than when selling through an auction. But the major drawback is that the skins will go at a very low price. Here, the bots will purchase your skins to sell them later at a higher price. Even though the price is usually lower than the market price of your skin, it will assure you of quick cash if that’s what you need.

Always be cautious when selling your skins out there. Here is how to avoid scams and sell your skin safely online. Remember to make your skins for sale as unique and attractive as possible.

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