ROCCAT Apuri Mouse Bungee / USB Hub Review

If you are a serious gamer you are not using a wireless mouse. The main reasons are that it could lose battery or there would be some sort of interference with the wireless signal. While these might not be major issues when browsing the internet, but when you are about to get a headshot and it happens its a MAJOR problem. While wired mice are great they do have one drawback, the cord. In many cases the cord actually causes drag or may simply get in the way, which can affect your aim when gaming. The answer to this is what we know as a mouse bungee. It is a device that lifts this cord off of your desk which not only eliminates the drag, but gets it out of the way. The ROCCAT Apuri is not only a mouse bungee, but it also has 4 powered USB ports on it as well. Will you be adding this to your gaming arsenal? Read on as we take a look…

Special thanks to ROCCAT for supplying us with the Apuri to review.

– 4 high-speed USB 2.0 ports
– Output power active (using AC adapter): 2A
– Output power passive (using USB cable): 500mA
– Length of USB cable: 1.5m
– Length of power cable: 1.5m
– Detachable Mouse bungee
– 3 LEDs (top) + underlighting
– Stable tripod design

If there is one thing that we have noticed about ROCCAT is that their packaging is extremely informative. The Apuri is no different, the front is open so you can actually take a look at the device. On one side and the back it goes over some of the main features and specifications, if many different languages of course. The other side tells you about ROCCAT’s Smart Desktop Management System (SDMS).

ROCCAT Apuri Mouse Bungee / USB Hub ROCCAT Apuri Mouse Bungee / USB Hub ROCCAT Apuri Mouse Bungee / USB Hub ROCCAT Apuri Mouse Bungee / USB Hub

Opening the package up inside you will find the Apuri, AC adapter and USB cable.

ROCCAT Apuri Mouse Bungee / USB Hub