Rust beginner’s guide: tips and tricks for getting started

Have you played any survival games earlier? Do you think that you can easily play well in Rust if you have mastered some other survival games? If your answer is a yes, then you are mistaken. Rust comes with different niches that might interest you. This game is not just exciting but challenging also.

When you are planning to enter the world of Rust, you might need some tips and tricks under your belt to play well in this long running survival game. It is no denying that survival is the only goal you have when you opt for Rust. To stay ahead of other players in Rust, you just need to follow this guide. After all, you can’t expect someone to be kind to you while playing Rust. So, let’s have a look at the tested and tried tricks to make survival in Rust easy.

Begin with Beginner-Friendly Server

You should look for the server first before you search around for rust hacks for an enhanced gaming experience. Don’t choose the highly populated server like other newbies. The chances are high that the populated servers have highly experienced players. This means your chances of survival as a beginner is equal to zero. You should take time to understand how the game works and how you can avoid getting killed repeatedly after spawning. Always look for servers that are beginner-friendly. In short, aim at a server with less than 100 players or 50 players. Check the server’s description to get all the information before you get started.

Get Respawn Point by Creating Sleeping Bag

Next tip is to create a sleeping bag that you can place on the ground and make a custom respawn point. Look for 3 hemp plants and gather cloth in stacks of 10 to gather 30 cloths which are enough to make a sleeping bag. When you start playing Rust, you will it easy to figure out the hemp plants in the picture. You can create a sleeping bag before you start the adventure, as it will help you save from getting frustrated by respawning on the beach.

Gather Wood and Stone by Hitting the Right Spot

You might need custom tools like Pickaxe and Hatchet. You are required to gather wood and stone to build your tools. The next step is to start gathering wood and stone by hitting the right spot which is a tree. You will lose your chances of survival if you gather resources with rock only, as it will make the competition tough and survival difficult. You should hit the red-colored cross that appears on the tree and you will get more wood at once.

Focus on Gathering Wood to Build Your Starter

In Rust, beginners should focus on gathering as much wood as possible. After making custom tools, you should start gathering wood through which you can build all your starter needs. Of course, wood is the most important resource material that you actually need to build all your starter needs. You can use wood to create essential starting items just like walls, wooden doors, wooden locks, campfires, storage boxes, and building foundations.

Avoid Over Farming Until You Have a Base

Perhaps, people make this mistake often. Farming more than what is necessary is not going to help you. To be a smart player, you need to focus on gathering a large amount at once. You should always make it a point to gather a small amount of resources at once. This trick is useful to reduce not only your chances of losing resources at once but also help you with your survival in the game. This is why you should avoid over-farming in Rust.

Protect All Stuff by Using Double Doors in Your Base

You should run back to your base and protect yourself from a better equipped player you meet. If you open the door and another player kills you, he will take all the stashed material accidentally from you. Make sure to build two rooms that have a door with a lock and you should keep your item in the last room. This way you can fool the enemy and save your items.

Avoid Lighting Fire at Night

Lighting a fire will invite the enemy to your camp. This is why you should avoid lighting fire at night. So that other player could not find you. This is the reason why most players roam around with a torch. Instead of making the enemy aware of your location, it is better to live in the dark.

That’s all you need to do! If you want to embark on an adventure in Rust, you should follow the above-mentioned tips and tricks. Take care of every point and make the most out of your experience with Rust. Every beginner should follow these tips and tricks to make a gaming adventure.