After weeks, months, or even years of applying to universities or colleges with architecture majors, science majors, or just about any major you are planning to pursue, you finally landed at a school you see yourself attending! Now, the real challenge begins; College life.
Many individuals underestimate how difficult it is to have a successful college career. From adjusting to a new environment to keeping up with harder, specialized subject areas to having a rich social life, college is a whole new arena. Good thing, attending college in the digital age is not without its advantages. Students now have access to a wealth of online resources and materials at their fingertips.
With that, the following free productivity tools can help students stay focused and make the most of their time rather than becoming a distraction.
Google Scholar
Google Scholar is a Web search engine that focuses on academic resources and scholarly publications. Unlike regular Google, which searches public Web content, Google Scholar searches the same types of educational books, journals, and papers that you can find in the Library’s catalog and databases.
Writing long essays, journals, and research papers is unquestionably common in college. The good news is there’s help. EasyBib is a free online citation generator that supports MLA, APA, and Chicago/Turabian citation reference styles. If EasyBib recognizes the book, website, journal article, or another source you are referencing, it automatically generates a citation. EasyBib also has a notebook feature that allows you to keep track of project notes, organize them, and link them to citations.
College Navigator
If you are still thinking or rethinking whether your major is right for you, this tool can help. College Navigator is your one-stop resource tool for information on nearly 7,000 colleges and universities across the United States. Whether you are looking for information on a large university, a small liberal arts institution, a specialty college, a community college, a career or technical college, or a trade school, College Navigator is your tool.
First things first, Bookwormhub is not exclusively for bookworms, despite the name. Aside from the ever-reliable Microsoft 365 suite, it is one of those free online productivity apps great for tackling enormous loads of homework. This service tool is extremely useful for students finishing difficult writing assignments with several professionals from different fields.
With the STEM field’s exponential growth, an increasing number of people are learning to code. In this regard, Codecademy is a go-to tool for students of all levels of experience who want to hone this skill, whether they are developing websites, developing their programming skills, or dissecting data for research. Codecademy has built a new, interactive style of learning that is interesting, flexible, and open to the widest possible audience.
Evernote revolutionizes the way busy people, especially students, keep track of vital information. Evernote is a single, safe source where you can store and retrieve documents, photographs, and voice recordings from any device. Even better, even if the receivers do not have an Evernote account, users can share their information with others.
Gradesaver is a free productivity tool that makes it much easier to complete difficult reading assignments. Moreover, Gradesaver is a service that provides skilled editing for a variety of writing jobs, including scholarship application essays.
Cram makes it easy to remember important information by providing thousands of flashcards on a variety of topics. Students can also create their own flashcards and share them with their study group or the rest of the platform’s users. Cram is one of the best productivity tools since it allows college students to carry their studies wherever they go.
Purdue OWL
Students can use this productivity tool to access Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL). It is available to all Purdue students and members of the community and the rest of the world. The OWL connects students to materials that can assist them with almost any writing project. Writing exercises, citation guidelines for MLA, APA, and Chicago style, and subject-specific writing instructions.
Crime, violence, sexual assault, pandemics, and natural catastrophes are significant and growing worldwide issues that produce instability, uncertainty, dread, and anxiety — all of which have serious societal implications. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, between 2014 and 2019, the number of reported on-campus crimes increased by eight percent throughout the United States.
With that in mind, the Bsafe app is one of the world’s top safety and security apps. It is created with cutting-edge technology, making it the most versatile and widely used safety software on the market today. The Bsafe solutions improve event reporting and emergency management, and you may customize them to meet individual, corporate, and societal objectives.
Being a college student is difficult enough on its own. From adjusting to a new environment to navigating college life, all while living a personal life outside school, getting the swing of college is a process that one can never underestimate. Fortunately, these tools can help you achieve that A grade while also freeing up time in your schedule for what you enjoy.