Mountain Everest 60 Gaming Keyboard Review

Usage & Sound Test

I’ve been using the Everest 60 as my daily driver for the past few weeks and I have really been enjoying it. It did take a little bit to get used to the unique key layout as well as not having a print screen button by default. No worries though, it was easy enough to just use the software to remap another key.

The keyboard is very comfortable to use and I was really surprised and how quiet and sort of soft it felt. You can tell that Mountain is making use of sound dampening material and this is something you don’t typically see on your standard gaming keyboard. This along with the PBT keycaps, mountains own mechanical key switches, and Cherry stabilizers made the typing experience very enjoyable and they sound of the keyboard is quite rewarding as well. Below is an audio sample where you can not only hear me typing on the normal keys, but also using the spacebar, tab, and shift keys so you can really see what a difference the stabilizers make.


The number pad is great as well and I really like that it just plugs in when you need to use it, and you can put it to the side when you aren’t using it.


The lighting on the keyboard is pretty good overall, Mountain does have an RGB strip that goes all the way around the edge of the keyboard. This looks quite good and the number pad also mirrors this. The RGB edge strip will give a bit of glow around the keyboard. Also it is pretty cool that when you plug in the number pad the lighting adjusts so you effect stays in-sync.

Mountain Everest 60 Gaming Keyboard Mountain Everest 60 Gaming Keyboard Mountain Everest 60 Gaming Keyboard Mountain Everest 60 Gaming Keyboard Mountain Everest 60 Gaming Keyboard Mountain Everest 60 Gaming Keyboard

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