Native Union JUMP Cable Review

Native Union JUMP Cable Native Union JUMP Cable

Portable power banks and cables for our mobile devices are extremely popular. Almost everyone I know has a portable power bank. We want to be connected all of the time and in doing so we diminish our devices batteries before we have time to charge them up. If you are an iPhone user I’m sure you’ve gone through your fair share of cables. Plain and simple Apple makes horrible cables. Well Native Union has a device that solves both of these problems. It is their JUMP Cable which they say is the “world’s first 2-in-1 charging cable and portable battery booster.” So you have a portable power bank that also has a charging cable built in. But unlike many power banks that have a cable built in this one allows for to connect your device and also connect to an external power source to charge up the power bank and your device at the same time! The JUMP cable seems like the perfect accessory to have with you at all times, let’s take a look and see if that is true!

Special thanks to Native Union for providing us with the JUMP Cable to review.

The Native Union JUMP Cable comes in a nice retail box. On the front it actually says that JUMP was funded with Kickstarter. Doing some research we found out that the Kickstarter campaign was launched January 7th 2014, and fully funded by February 13, 2014 with $372,040 making it 930% funded. That is quite impressive and great to see a Kickstater funded project available on the market.

Native Union JUMP Cable

On the back of the box it lists some of the main features and goes over them in detail.

Native Union JUMP Cable

The packaging sort of opens like a book and inside you can get a look at the JUMP Cable before you buy it.

Native Union JUMP Cable

Getting everything out of the box we have the JUMP Cable, a Native Union sticker, quick start guide, a feedback card, and Native Union’s Lookbook.

Native Union JUMP Cable

For a full unboxing and overview of the JUMP Cable be sure to check out our video below.