Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount Review

Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount

Getting The RMS-16003 Installed
Installation of the RMS-16003 installed is actually pretty easy and the instructions are clear enough to follow. The first thing you are going to want to do is install the L bracket to the bottom of the mount. This is easily done with the included bolts and alan-key.


Once you have the L bracket installed you’ll want to install the desk clamp. It attaches to the L bracket with two more bolts. Install it in the two higher holes if your desk is thinner, if you have a thick desk you can install it in the bottom two holes.


Clip the plastic cable organizer on the back of the L bracket and route the two USB 3.0 cables.


Now pick a spot on your desk where you want to mount the RMS-16003. Place it on the end of the desk and tighten it with the clamp, but sure to check that it is tight, remember this is what is holding your monitors on your desk! When you are done your setup should look like the second photo below.

Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount

Now it is time to mount your displays. First you need to find out what size screws fit the VESA mount on your display. Rosewill includes two different size screws, so see which one works with your display. No take the screws and the washers and mount your display. I found it easier to place my display face down on my desk and move the arm down and line up the display. This is much easier than trying to hold up the display with one hand and screw it in with the other. One you have both displays on your setup should look something like the photo below.

Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount

The last thing you’ll need to do is run your cables, this actually happens to be the hardest part of the entire installation. You have to run them through two different plastic pieces on each arm. They both come off, but its just annoying to get everything wired correctly, I’ve seen better implementations than what Rosewill has done here.

Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount

The last thing you are going to want to do is tighten the arms. This keeps them in place and make sure they can handle the weight of your displays without falling. Alan-keys are provided to tighten everything up. When you have the arms tightened you can still move them freely. In the photo below you can see I have the displays lined up pretty good. This is the highest that they can be elevated for those wondering.

Rosewill RMS-16003 Dual Monitor Desk Mount